I'm Pregnant With The Emo Bad Boy's Baby...Great. {16}

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***2 Months Later***

***Ali’s POV***

Ben had been the talk of the school for quite some time. His sister had called 911 and they had found him half dead in his house. His mom’s boyfriend was in jail for beating him. I knew his mom had been a part of it too though. For the news cameras, she had acted all sad and like she actually cared about him.

It had made me sick to watch.

Everyone knew about Ben and I by now. It was so obvious. I was getting huge. Pez felt too bad for Ben to really be mad at him anymore. Same thing with dad. Mom had already felt sympathetic towards him and this just made her even more sympathetic.

Ben was supposed to come back to school today, according to Dekka. I was kind of scared. I hadn’t seen him since he had hugged me in the principal’s office.

Dekka and I were chatting in the halls. Her eyes traveled up and grew excited. “Ben!” she screamed and ran to him. She flung her arms around him. I stared at him and tried to control my emotions. I could hardly believe he was actually back.

He looked up at me and I nearly gasped. There was a deep scar on his face. His mom and her boyfriend were sick, sick people.

I could only imagine the new scars on his wrists.

He slowly walked over to me with Dekka. “Ali,” he said with a small smile. He eyed my bulged stomach and then looked back up at my face. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as close as my stomach would permit.

Ben chuckled silently and held me to him. “I was so scared,” I whispered. “I’m fine,” he said and I smiled. Ben smelled like a combination of cigarette smoke and some type of cologne.

I finally allowed myself to look up into his eyes. He gently placed a hand on my stomach and smiled at me weakly. “I still have to keep my promise,” he said softly.

I carefully took his free hand into mine and gave it a loving squeeze. His other hand remained on my stomach. Ben slowly inched towards my face and gently pressed his lips to mine. “Aw!” Dekka said and I blushed. I had forgotten she was there.

Ben came home with me after school and we sat up in my room together. “Ben…do you plan to stay with me?” I asked nervously, terrified of his answer. He was silent for a little, making my fear explode deep inside me.

“Yes. I plan to stay with you and the baby,” he said at last. I relaxed. “Well, in that case, you have to stop smoking. Second hand smoke is bad for the baby.” He frowned deeply. “But I…okay,” he said with a sigh.

“And I would appreciate it if you could please stop drinking. You do stupid things when you’re drunk.” He sighed again. “Fine, I’ll stop drinking.” I smiled at him and hugged him. “It’s only for about 4 more months, okay? Well, actually, I would prefer you not pick up on the habits again. Ever.”

He pouted, looking absolutely adorable. “We’ll see,” he said and I giggled. “You’ll be fine,” I assured him and he rolled his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him. I loved this. I loved kissing Ben. I loved Ben. I loved him deeply.

He kissed me deeply. “Ben,” I said in a warning voice as I pulled away and placed my hands on my stomach. “Pregnant, remember? Sexual activity is a no-no.” Ben sighed and gently placed his hand on my stomach, rubbing it up and down soothingly.

I smiled as I felt the baby kick. Ben looked up at me and smiled too. “I just can’t believe that in about 4 months, I’m going to be a dad,” he whispered. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom,” I said and he gave me an apologetic look.

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. “Ben, maybe we didn’t want this to happen. But the fact is that it DID happen and we have to except it.” I turned my head and kissed his thin lips.

He pulled me closer and smiled softly.

***Ben’s POV***

I left Ali’s a little while later and slowly made my way towards my house. In truth, I was terrified to go home. Mom was angry that Derik had gone to jail for beating me. She had hit Jeydyn a lot while I was in the hospital.

My phone buzzed and I opened it and checked the message. Jenny was asking me to come over for a fun night. I stopped walking and cocked my head to the side.

I smirked and walked towards Jenny’s house.

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