Chapter One: Greetings

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I could feel my lungs shriveling up inside me as I gasped for air. It wasn't easy keeping up with a super soldier. He also insisted on waking up early for these so called jogs. He did his best to stay at my pace but I knew he wanted to run faster, so I always pushed him to just go on without me. I was in shape, especially because SHIELD made sure all of their agents kept in shape, but running wasn't my strong suit and I never liked it much. So all this long distance running was killing me.

"On your left," I heard beside me as a gush of wind followed behind it.

I couldn't help but stick my tongue out at his back as he effortlessly continued to run. I watched as he past another jogger and I could tell he was getting frustrated as well. I heard another faint, "on your left," as he sped past the other jogger with ease. 

Soon enough I caught up to the man and we were soon running side by side. He gave me a nod and we jogged without a word for a few moments. Not even a minute passed by before Steve came running past us muttering another, "on your left."

I let out a groan as I continued jogging, knowing I could never keep up with him.

"Does this normally happen?" the guy beside me panted out, equally as annoyed as I was. 

"Oh yeah, you think this is bad? Try watching him do sprints," I breathed out.

The man shook his head and let out a chuckle as we both kept up a slow jogging pace.

"My names Morgan by the way," I told him as I tried keeping my voice even. It was threatening to waver as my body was tired of the constant running.

"Yeah I watch the news," he said as he gave a small laugh. "My names Sam, Sam Wilson."

Before either of us could even get out another sentence Steve came rushing past us once more. Letting out another, "on your left." This time Sam tried sprinting by him. Obviously over being shown up.

"It's no use!" I yelled after Sam. I came to a stop and bent over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I was done running for the day. I walked towards a tree that was in a small park by where we were all running. I leaned against it, letting myself cool down. 

Sam was right behind me. Breathing heavy and bending over trying to regain his own breath. Steve walked up as if the workout didn't even phase him.

"Need a medic you two?" Steve asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"I need a new set of lungs," I breathed out. His face lit up even more, amusement clearly written all over it.

"Dude, you just ran like 13 miles in thirty minutes," Sam said astonished.

"I guess I got a late start."

I elbowed Steve playfully as he stood there arms crossed and looking smug. He was having a lot of fun watching us two in pain. Running was not my friend and he knew it.

"Really? You should be ashamed of yourself. Take another lap," Sam told him. There was a playful mocking in his tone. The two sounded like old friends.

"Oh did you take it? I assumed you just took it," I added. Steve shook his head letting out a small laugh.

"What unit are you with?" Steve asked turning towards Sam.

"Fifty-eighth Para-rescue. But now I'm working down at the VA. Sam Wilson. Morgan and I already introduced ourselves," Sam stated extending his hand towards Steve. They shook his hands and Steve introduced himself.

"Steve Rogers."

"I kind of put that together. You and Morgan here are quite the heroes. But, it must have freaked you out the whole defrosting thing."

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