Chapter Thirty-Five: You're Alive?!

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After leaving the hospital Steve suggested we go to Fury's grave. I didn't know how I would feel seeing his grave sight, he was a big part of my life whether I liked it or not, and now he was gone.

Sam came along with us, after going to the site there were several things the three of us needed to talk about. He was just as involved now with all of this as we were.

We arrived and I felt nauseous. I didn't want to be here, I knew it would be hard but I didn't know just how crappy I would feel.

Then I felt another presence in my mind.

"Did you miss me Smith?" I heard someone send me in a brain message. There were only several people who I taught how to send me one without me initiating the first message. Since Steve has been with me and I knew what his sounded like I knew that it wasn't him.

"What the hell?" I said out loud. Sam gave me a funny look. I shrugged it off and kept walking towards Fury's grave. But as we got closer I saw another person standing over the spot. As we approached he turned around and I almost screamed. It was like there was a ghost standing in front of me.

"What the actual hell?" I asked in a yell-whisper.

"It was a hell of a comeback," Fury said with a small chuckle.

Judging by the lack of surprise coming from Steve, he already knew he was alive. Either that or he was used to people coming back from the dead.

"You knew and didn't tell me?" I asked him urgently.

"You were, well, not in the right mind at the time. Then in the hospital there were other things to keep our attention," he said, blushing slightly.

"I heard there were congratulations in order. Hill couldn't stop talking about your engagement. But, congratulations I haven't ever seen a better team than the two of you make," he said gruffly. It was one of the most sincere things he's ever said to me.

"Thanks, also congratulations on not being dead," I told him.

"Thanks for that Smith," Fury replied, a tiny smile on his face. He then filled me in on what happened and how he really didn't die. The whole conversation was in a brain message, he was extremely paranoid and didn't want anyone over hearing. That also explained his disguise he was wearing. The dark, leather-less outfit, wasn't exactly his style. Neither was the beanie and sunglasses.

Then the conversation turned more serious, as he turned to address Steve.

"So, you've experience this kind of thing before," he said to Steve.

"You get used to it," Steve replied shortly.

"We've been data-mining Hydra's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm heading to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you two wanted to join me."

"There's a couple of things we gotta do first," Steve replied, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

Fury then turned his attention towards Sam.

"How about you, Wilson? I could use a man with your abilities."

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy," he answered, turning down Fury.

"Alright then," Fury finished. He gave both Sam and Steve a handshake. I received a small hug from him, only the second I received from him in my life. It would probably be awhile before I saw him again.

"Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here," he told us before turning and walking off.

The three of us watched as he walked off. Then Natasha walked up to all of us. It felt like a reunion with all of us here together. The only thing missing was Clint.

"You should all be honored. That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you. Especially you Smith I don't think I have ever seen him hug someone. He must have a soft spot for you," she said with a smirk.

I didn't even have a sarcastic reply. I just rushed forward and gave her a hug. She instantly stiffened, but I felt her arms wrap themselves around my back.

"I'm sorry," she whispered in my ear.

"It's okay, lets just go back to normal yeah?" I asked her back. She nodded her head and I knew all would be well between the two of us. That simple sorry from her meant more than anything else. She wasn't one to apologize so  I knew it was sincere.

"Not going with him?" Steve asked her after we released one another.


"Are you going to stay here?" I asked her,wondering what her plans were.

"I blew all my covers, I gotta figure out a new one."

"That might take awhile," Steve told her.

"I'm counting on it," she answered. I knew what she meant and gave her a smile.

"That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev," she told me, handing me a few files.

Steve gave me a questioning look. I handed over the files to him. I saw as his face lit up with realization.

"I figured we could find him together. Considering we both have some history with him," I told Steve. He grabbed my hand once more and squeezed it.

"Thank you," was all he said. It was more than enough for me. I could tell how grateful he was for it.

"Will you do me a favor Rogers?" Natasha asked. "Treat her right. Or I'll be coming for you."

"You know I will Nat," he said sincerely.

She gave us all a hug. Before she left as well. Then it was Just Steve, Sam, and I.

"You two are going after him?" Sam asked us, complete seriousness in his voice.

"You don't have to come," I told him, knowing he had already done more than enough for the two of us. More than either of us could have asked of him.

"I know. When do we start?" he asked instantly. I smiled at him. I couldn't feel more grateful than I did at this moment for all the amazing people in my life.

It wasn't exactly the life I had imagined for myself but I couldn't ask for anything more.
~A/N ok everyone one chapter left after this one and the story will be completed!! Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading this.
As always please leave a vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Especially since this is almost the end! I love to see what everyone thinks about the story! Plus the more comments I get the more motivated I am, and let's just say the third one might come out a lot faster 😊
Have an amazing day!~

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