Chapter Thirty-One: Two Down

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Rumlow then burst into the room, once more grabbing me by the upper arm, I'm almost surprised a bruise hasn't already formed where it was. Bucky stood up instantly, almost as if he were going to do something about it. Then Rumlow shot him a glare.

"Know your place," he snarled at Bucky before dragging me out of the room.

He tugged me into the room with him. It was a large room filled with agents, this must be where they were going to initiate the launch, it was the control room. I guess tough guy thought he needed some back up. He knew I wouldn't be able to act for myself, that I, now under their control, would act for Hydra.

"Preempt the launch sequence, send those ships up now," he barked orders. The guy he yelled at looked as if he wanted to pee his pants.

"I'm-" he started shakily. His voice quivered under the pressure of Rumlow staring threateningly down upon him.

"Is there a problem?" Rumlow growled, obviously not enjoying the delay.

"I'm sorry sir," he said, slightly more defiantly. "I'm not gonna launch those ships. Captains orders."

Rumlow then pulls out his gun and aims at the guy. He gave me a nod and my hand shot up and I was force choking the guy. My eyes were pleading for myself to stop, but I couldn't. There was no stopping me at this moment.

"Move him away from the station," Rumlow ordered me, barely glancing at me. He was watching the mans labored breathing, almost as if he were enjoying this. The sick bastard probably was.

Then I felt a gun pressed into my back. The cold metal touched my skin and I instantly froze, not knowing whether or not they would really pull the trigger, and I wasn't going to take any chances.

"Like he said," a woman's voice said behind me. It was Sharon, our neighbor. "Captain's order."

I let the man go, and he gasped for air and cowered down under a desk. He desperately scooted as far away from me as he could.

"You picked the wrong side, Agent," Rumlow said, sneaking his way beside me.

"Depends on where your standing," she said to him, switching the gun to aim at Rumlow. Which was a big mistake on her part. As if on instinct I turned and kicked her in the gut, hard. Forcing the gun out of her hands and into mine, pointing her way. I barely even blinked and she was on the ground. Now she, like everyone else, was under Hydra's mercy.

As soon as he could he hit the launch button and I knew where I was supposed to go next.

After Steve.

Steves POV

In my earpiece I heard Maria Hill's voice in my ear telling me they started the launch. That wasn't a good sign. Sam and I instantly start heading towards the Helicarriers, where I knew more trouble would come.

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad," I retorted.

Sam then flew off, I was still running towards the Helicarrier as fast as my legs would take me. I could hear gunshots in the distance, I could only hope that Sam was avoiding them.

"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about," I heard Sam say into my earpiece.

"You okay?" I asked, trying not to sound frantic. I was having a harder time focusing knowing Morgan was involved in all of this and I didn't know how to help her.

"Not dead yet."

I was met with several Hydra agents on my way to get into the Helicarrier. They were putting up a good fight. But, I knew I was running out of time.

"Eight minutes, Cap," Maria said into the earpiece. My stomach did a small flip as I knew time was running out.

"Working on it," I muttered back into the earpiece, as I slung my shield and hit the last agent.

I finally made my way into the Helicarrier and quickly made it to where all the chips were. I needed to switch them out fast.

"Alpha locked," I told the team.

"I'm in too," said Sam into the earpiece. "Bravo locked."

"Two down, one to go," Maria stated.

I knew this last one wasn't going to be as easy as the first two, if you can call those easy.

~A/N Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading this! I have been having the most fun with this story. Please don't forget to vote or comment if you liked it! I love to see what everyone has to say!~

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