Chapter Six: The Truth and Nothing but the Truth

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I was surprised when we arrived at a museum. Not just any museum, the Smithsonian. He has never taken me here before. I knew there was a reason behind showing up here. We were both in our street clothes, I was wearing skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and a pair of brown boots. When we got off the motorcycle he pulled out a ball cap from the small bag attached to the motorcycle. He handed one to me and started putting one on himself.

"Just so we can have some privacy," he told me. I put the hat on, adjusting it so that it sat correctly.

"So what is the big surprise here?" I asked, my interest completely peeked.

"You'll see," he told me. He grabbed me by the hand and lead the way.

When we went inside he didn't stop for anything else, he was on a mission for something specific. I just didn't know what it was until I heard the narration when we came to a certain exhibit. It started talking and I suddenly started to connect the dots.

"A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery, and sacrifice."

I let go of his hand and walked closer to the exhibit. I stared up at a couple of the statues that were set up, my eyes going straight to the one in the middle, decked out in a star spangled suit.

"Was that yours?" I asked him, in complete awe. I wish I had known him them, to see him fight for his country. Maybe I would have never did the things I've done if I had met him sooner. 

"It was," he simply stated before leading me to a video monitor that was playing. We lingered back behind a few people.

Listening as the monitor spoke once more, "Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world's first super soldier."

A young boy walks by and stops and looks up at Steve. I can tell he instantly recognizes him. The kids are always the ones who can see under the hats. Steve put his finger over his lip, letting the kid know that the secret could stay between the two of them. Both had small smiles across their face, my heart instantly felt full. I have never seen something more adorable, and I honestly knew that I loved that man. But how would he feel about me once the entire truth of who I used to be came out?

We both walked back over to where the suits were. I watched as Steve looked over them once more, this time I could tell there were memories flooding over him. I silently watched and let him go through this. I grabbed his hand letting him know I was there for him, but I stayed silent.

"Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both school yard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling commando to give his life in service of his country," the narrator finished.

I watched as a different expression crossed his face, it was one of loss. He told me plenty of stories of him and Bucky. I knew the history and what happened a long time ago. Steve blamed himself, and even though I tried my best to tell him it wasn't his fault he still wasn't convinced.

We looked over at one of the tv monitors and there was a young brunette woman talking on the screen, another part of Steve's past. He told me stories about Peggy too. Steve told me how she was his first love, he never tried to hide any of that from me. I knew that I wasn't even worthy to stand up against the kind of woman she was, and how brave she was.

I watched Steve watch the monitor as she spoke, I knew there were still millions of memories running through his mind. I didn't want to disturb his moment, so I walked away and looked over a few more photos from his past. There were a couple of old reels from his performances from the war. I was pulled away by strong arm around my waist, I turned and it was Steve.

"You didn't have to leave you know," he said to me. I could see the guilt written on his face.

"I know," I said with a smile. "I can't lie and say I understand completely what you're going through, but no matter what I am here for you."

"I love you," he told me, his words lace with complete honesty. I knew he meant it when he said those three words.

"I love you too," I told him, meaning them right back.

"Morgan there's someone I think you should meet," he told me. He grabbed me by the hand and lead us out of the museum. Taking us back to his motorcycle. He got on first and I followed right behind him. I had no idea where we were going once again, but I put my full trust in him.

We pulled up to a nursing home, and instantly I knew something was up. I had a feeling of who I was meeting today, I wasn't sure of how to feel about this. Would it be completely weird? Well duh, Morgan it will be weird, but if you want him to accept your past you have to accept his. No matter how awkward.

Steve found my hand once again in his strong one, giving it a squeeze.

"I assume you figured out who we are seeing," he said, not meeting my eyes as we walked towards the building.

"How could you tell?" I asked, letting out a huge breathe I didn't realize I was holding.

"Well you stopped talking, which is a little odd for you," he said, letting out a small laugh. I could tell he was also feeling a little awkward about this, but trying to make the mood lighter. I stopped him in front of the building before we walked in. Turning to face him, I made him look down on me so we were eye to eye.

"Listen, if this is what you want to happen then I am willing to meet her. But I would like your reasoning behind this," I explained.

"Well you know about my past and what she meant to me. I told you all of that after New York so that we could have a future together with no secrets. And I want you to know you mean more to me and that I am in love with you and that will never change, but that doesn't mean I still don't have a love for her. Not the romantic kind, I hope you know what I mean by that. But, I want you to see every last bit of my life and my past, and I think meeting her will let you even further into my life because that is where I feel like we are heading," he explained in one long breathe. He scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the floor, something he did when he was nervous.

"Well thank you for that," I told him, standing on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek. "I understand completely what you're trying to say, I love you even more for this."

He let out a small sigh of relief. I could tell he was happy about me meeting her. I still wasn't entirely sure of how this would go but I know what he means and I think this will help our future too.

"Well let's go meet Peggy."

~A/N a huge thank you to everyone who is reading this story. Also another thank you to CT0419 for being an amazing friend. Anyways please leave a comment or vote if you liked this chapter! I love seeing them and they are all appreciated!~

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