Chapter Two: The Start of a Mission

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We were on one of SHIELDS many planes, all getting ready for an infiltration. I was in a midnight black leather suit, knives in a couple of pockets, and a single handgun strapped to my thigh in case of emergencies. My powers were more advanced but I still didn't like relying on them. Natasha was in a similar outfit, her face stone cold and looked like she could careless. Steve was in new suit, this one more discreet and a dark blue, but he still looked like himself.

I watched intently as directions were given. I didn't want to miss a single thing. This mission needed to go flawlessly. Brock, one of SHIELDS agents, was giving all of us our instructions. Steve and I were standing side by side, always sticking close to one another.

"The target is a mobile satellite launch program: The Lemurian Star. It was sending up their last payload when pirates took them, ninety three minutes ago."

I could feel my face harden up as the task was presented in front of us. It was nothing I couldn't handle but missions have been a lot different since New York. I haven't been the most in control since then and I wanted this to go smoothly.

"Any demands?" Steve asked, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the present situation.

"A billion and a half."

"Why so steep?" I asked, truly interested. I've seen things like this before and the demands weren't normally this high, even for the most ambitious pirates.

"Because it's SHIELDS," Brock responded, as if it were obvious.

"So it's not off course, it's trespass," Steve concluded.

"I'm sure they have good reason," Natasha said, finally speaking up. I rolled my eyes a little. We haven't been that close since everything was said and done after New York. It just hasn't been the same, and with Clint off and gone for the time being it's been harder. He was the glue to our group.

"You know I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor," Steve spoke out.

"I agree," I added. "What's the point in this?"

"Relax Mrs. America," Natasha threw out. "It's not that complicated."

I felt myself tense up at her snide remark. She definitely hasn't made the situation between us easier. I tried contacting her several time, each time ignoring me. She avoided me every time we've been at SHIELD together. The missions we've been thrown into together have forced us into communication, no matter how little or snarky.

"How many pirates?" Steve asked, trying to get back to the topic at hand. For that I was grateful.

"Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy; George Batroc," Brock responded, showing the room the picture of who I presume is Batroc. "Ex-TGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's "red notice". Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties."

"Hostages?" Steve asked Brock.

"Uh... Mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Stillwell." The picture of George Batroc was then replaced with a new one.

"What's Stillwell doing on a launch ship? Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to life pods, get 'em out. Morgan, go across the deck and help out with wiping out the crew. Lets go," Steve finished handing out orders.

"Strike! You heard the Captain. Gear up!" Brock told the crew.

Natasha, Steve, and I made our way to the back of the ship where we would all exit. I still wasn't to big on jumping out of planes though. Most of the time Steve just took me with him.

"Secure channel seven," Steve said into his radio.

"Seven secure," Natasha said to Steve.

"So did you two have a fun weekend?" Natasha asked us, a smirk playing on her face.

"Oh yeah lots of Scrabble," I replied sarcastically, I knew she thought we lead a boring life.

"So Smith," Natasha started, I knew this wasn't going to be good. She never calls me Smith. "Are you still scared of jumping out of planes?"

She knew it was one of my weaknesses and was good at playing on others weak spots. I felt my cheeks slowly grow red from both embarrassment and anger.

"I think its time we go," I said, ignoring her comment completely and turning my attention to Steve.

"Are you okay?" I heard his thoughts enter my mind.

"Yeah just ready to get some space between her and I ."

He nodded and grabbed a hold of my waist. I gave her a small wave as a smirk was placed on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we did the thing that scared me most. We jumped. The feeling of his arm around me made me feel safe and made the jumping almost easy.

We landed in the ocean, our impact lessened by his shield. His arm never leaving its strong grip on me. We resurfaced and he turned to me, eyes full of concern, "everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, for now anyways. We can talk more at home. Now lets kick some ass."

"Language Morgan," he said, smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes as we made our way towards the ship. I could make out the deck and teleported onto it as Steve found his own way up. I watched as Steve took out tons of men, making his way across the deck swiftly. I was taking out the other half. I watched as two men with guns both came up behind me thinking they had the upper hand.

"Okay fellas you have me," I said, hands raised above my head.

I turned and both had smiles on their faces thinking they had me. Too bad they would be wrong. They both grabbed my arms and I forced their guns out of their hands. As they realized what happened they both gripped harder around my wrists.

"Big mistake boys," I laughed a little.

I snatched my hands out of their grasp, slamming my foot into the one on my rights knee. Then gripping the lefts one arms and twisting it in an unnatural way. When they were both down, I used my powers to knock them out.

I watched as Steve was held up by a guy with a gun, I threw the knife at the guys hand and he dropped the gun. I forced the gun into his face and he fell to the ground, out cold.

"Where would I be without you?" Steve asked me.

"I wouldn't want to know," I replied, returning his smile.

The rest of the crew parachuted down and joined us. It was time to get this thing over with and finish this mission for good.

~~A/N Thanks for reading! If you liked it please leave a vote or comment. I'm going to try to update this story 2-3 times a week. Maybe more if I get really good feedback, but I really enjoy this storyline and am super excited with where this is going. So let me know what you think. Also this isn't going to be exactly like the movie, but my own take!~~

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