Chapter Nine: A Change of Perspective

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Steve's POV:

After Morgan told me her story about what she went through and then what happened in Mexico I knew her and I were meant for each other. I knew as soon as I met her but as we have grown closer during New York and now after I have never been more sure of my feelings. When she looked at me, her blue eyes always filled with admiration I didn't understand, I knew everything would always be okay.

She completed me in a way I couldn't describe. We were a perfect balance, she made me question things. 

That's why after she told me everything that she has been through and she thought I would think she was a monster broke my heart. After having her meet Peggy and having someone who wanted me more for just being a super soldier and excepted my past I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I reached in my back pocket and felt for the small velvet box that I bought a month ago. Then as I went to pull it out the phone started ringing. She gave me an apologetic look, she knew I had more to say, but I waved her on to go ahead and get the phone. It could be important or it could be another one of Tony's prank calls.

"It was just Fury. He wants us to come by whenever we can," she came over and told, resuming her previous position on the couch. "Is there anything else you wanted to say?"

"Uh no, I just have somewhere we should go about those nightmares," I said. I didn't want to ask her after she got off the phone with Nick Fury. I would have to plan it another way. And I did have somewhere we could both go to get a new perspective about the dreams we were both having.

We got on my motorcycle and headed off to our destination. I heard of these meetings before but never felt the need to go until now. Especially now knowing just how bad Morgan's dreams were and what has been bothering her. Now that everything was in the open we could move forward and become closer than we already were. I'm glad she felt close enough with me to tell me everything.

We walked in silently, catching the end of a woman's personal story.

"The thing is I think it's getting worse. A cop pulled me over last week, he thought I was drunk. I swerved to miss a plastic bag. I thought it was an IED."

The man Morgan and I met in the park, Sam, started to talk. "Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. It's our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it gonna be in a big suitcase or in a little man-purse? It's up to you."

The meeting ended and Morgan and I waited back for a moment. We both wanted a minute with Sam, who did a great job just now. We watched as he and the same woman from earlier said their goodbyes to each other.

"Look who it is, the running man," Sam said to me, walking over. He gave Morgan a small hug and shook my hand.

"Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense," I commented.

"Yeah, brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt, regret," Sam told us. Looking between Morgan and I.

"Did you lose someone?" Morgan asked him.

"My wingman, Riley," he started. "Fly in the night mission. A standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before, till RPG knocked Riley's dumbass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It was like I was up there to watch."

"I'm sorry Sam," Morgan said, reaching out and grabbing his arm. He gave her a small nod.

"Well after that, I had a really hard time finding a reason to be over there you know?"

"But you're happy now, back in the world?" I asked him. Trying to find my own answers.

"Hey, the number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So, hell yeah. Are you two thinking about getting out?" he asked us. I knew he was referencing SHIELD and the Avengers.

We both exchanged a look. Neither of us knowing the right answer quite yet.

"No, I don't know. To be honest, I don't know what I would do with myself if I did," I answered honestly. I could feel Morgan's eyes on me. I watched her face and could see the gears moving in her head for her own answer.

"Ulitimate fighting?" Sam joked. He turned towards Morgan. "What about you Morgan? Do you still want to be a part of the action?"

"I uh, well I don't know myself. The one time I did leave I was a janitor and let's just say that wasn't fulfilling," she joked, giving a small laugh. I knew she hated working as a janitor, she told me of how hard it was to find a job after she left SHIELD for a small period of time.

"Oh I'm sure you could be a teacher," he offered.

She scoffed, "where in the world could I be a teacher?"

"I don't know some school where you go for high learning. You know for people who are gifted like you," he said, laughing.

She rolled her eyes, but a small smile was playing on her lips. "I will give that some thought, and I'll use you as my reference."

"It's just a couple of great ideas off the top of my head. But seriously you both could do whatever you wanted to do. What makes you guys happy? You know besides each other," he said. Sam turning slightly more serious.

"I don't know," Morgan and I said in unison. Neither knowing much of a life outside of fighting an enemy.

We were going to have to figure out what we wanted, but I knew we would do it together. As a team.

~A/N Thank you to everyone who has been reading this! I know this was a short chapter but I promise I have some amazing things in store! I have been having so much fun writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have! Please leave a comment or a vote if you liked it, I love seeing them and everyone is appreciated!~

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