Chapter Thirty-Three: Is This The End?

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I watched as his eyes tore into mine. I knew he was thrown off by my obvious lack of killing Steve. If only there was a way to get through to him the way Steve had done with me.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen," Steve told him. His eyes looked as blank as ever, not wanting to listen to what Steve had to say, only thinking of the mission.

"Bucky, please don't do this," I said to him. I didn't want to fight him anymore than Steve did. Especially knowing we were more connected than I thought.

None of this made any difference, he wasn't backing down. Before Steve or I could do anything he went for Steve. I leapt out of the way, hurtling myself towards Steve's shield, which was still lodged in the ground. Unfortunately I still had this collar around my neck and couldn't use any of my powers. I gripped both sides of the shield and heaved it as hard as I could. It finally broke free.

"Steve!" I yelled his way, slinging the shield as hard as I could. He looked up in time and caught it effortlessly. Bringing it down just in time to stop one of Bucky's blows.

I watched as the two fought and the chip, which I assumed was part of their plan to take down the Helicarriers, was flung out of his hand.

While they were distracted fighting one another, I made my way towards the chip. I picked it up and headed towards the unit that housed the other chips that allowed the Helicarrier to work.

As I was running towards the base, a knife was thrown and hit me in the shoulder, making me drop the chip. I turned and saw Bucky heading towards me, Steve on the ground.

Bucky was by me in an instant, I hurriedly snatched the knife out of my shoulder and lunged for the chip, but he grabbed it before I could. I tried tackling him, obviously not working, I kicked him as hard as I could in the gut. He doubled over for a moment, and I kicked him again, this time in the face.

This barely made an impact and he gripped by the throat, using his metal arm. But before he could start choking me Steve's shield came hurtling at him. Knocking me free of his grip. Steve came running over towards us and was able to get Bucky down, grabbing him by the throat.

"Drop it! Drop it!" he yelled at Bucky.

I made my way quickly over there, and as Steve did what I knew he didn't want to, he started to strangle Bucky until the chip fell out of his hand. Bucky went limp and the chip was discarded onto the floor. I picked it up and tossed it to Steve.

"Hurry go," I told him. "I'll stay here and wait for you."

He gave me a look, but he didn't have time to argue. Steve ran as fast he could to the area where the other chips were housed.

I watched as he placed our chip where it needed to go, and I knew we had succeeded in what we needed to do. We saved everyone and that's what mattered.

Then there was a large impact and I almost fell down from the carrier shaking as it was going down. I knew what was happening. They had all opened fire on one another. Steve made the decision, sacrifice us for the greater good. I couldn't be more proud. I knew that if it were me I would have made the same decision.

I looked across at Steve, but as we made eye contact I felt something all too familiar. A metal hand had wrapped its way around my throat, again. Damn did he love this move, but I must admit it was very effective.

"Steve," I yelled out as best as I could. My voice sounded muffled.

But instead of waiting for Steve, I tried my best to get through to Bucky.

"C'mon don't you remember?" I asked him the best I could. Trying to keep eye contact with him.

The question seemed to distract him for a moment, which loosened his iron grip. I wiggled myself free, falling to the floor.

As I tried to get up, I felt a familiar hand wrap itself around my waist as I stood to my feet. Steve pushed me behind him, trying to shield me the best he could. Something that has become second nature to him. 

"You know me," Steve told him, his eyes pleading for Bucky to remember. I could see all of the hurt and regret on Steve's face. I didn't need my powers to know what he was thinking in this moment, it was clear.

"No I don't!" Bucky screamed, lashing out at Steve.

"Bucky, you've known me your whole life," Steve said to him, he was desperate to get him to remember.

I watched as this time Bucky made contact with Steve, and Steve let him. He didn't even stop him, I knew he was done fighting him. But, I wouldn't stand by and let him do this to Steve.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes."

Bucky hit Steve again, screaming at him to stop. I knew there must be some memories slipping into his mind at this point. His old self and the brainwashed soldier were probably fighting it out inside his mind.

Steve took off his mask and let his shield drop through the destroyed Helicarrier.

"I'm not gonna fight you anymore, you're my friend," he said.

Bucky went to push Steve to the ground but I jumped in the way. I was knocked flat on my back, and I did my best to scoot out of the way of his next attack but he was too strong. He slapped me across the face, my cheek was stinging. 

"You're my mission," he replied to Steve, as he moved me out of the way. 

"Then finish it," Steve replied. I let out a scream, because I knew how strong the brainwash could be, I wasn't too sure Bucky could beat it. "Cause I'm with you to the end of the line."

I watched as something inside Bucky paused. I kicked him as hard as I could, he dropped to the floor. I took the chance and slid over to Steve, holding him tightly.

"I love you," I told him quickly. "Why are you being so stupid?"

"I couldn't let him down a second time," he told me before kissing me on the forehead.

Before another word was uttered between us, the piece of the Helicarrier we were on dropped and we were plummeting down.

His arms were wrapped tightly around me.

Then it was black.  

~A/N Two updates one day? Say what? Okay everyone there are only three chapters left! So please please let me know what you think. As always if you liked it leave a vote or comment, all is super appreciated. 

Also how would everyone feel about a third book? Please let me know. I have so much fun with this character I would for sure love to write another one, based on Age of Ultron so let me know in the comments if that's something you guys would also enjoy!~

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