Chapter Thirty-Six: The End

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After the meeting with everyone Steve and I headed for our apartment. There was a lot that needed to be discussed, but it could wait until we were alone.

We went inside, picking up several of the debris that was still scattered all around from our first encounter with the Winter Soldier.I let out a laugh, and I knew I probably seemed like a crazy person.

"What's so funny?" Steve asked from by the window, where he was attempting to hang up a curtain over it.

"Just everything we've been through. We've been through so much already. Marriage should be a breeze," I told him with another giggle.

He let out his own laugh and came over to where I was sitting on the floor, trying to wipe out the blood from Fury's accident.

"Marriage with you is definitely going to be easy," he told me, kissing my cheek. "And I never got to tell you how much I appreciate getting that information on Bucky. It meant a lot to me that you want to go after him as much as I do."

"You didn't have to say it, I could see it all over your face. I've gotten quite good at reading you."

"That or you can read minds," he said with a smirk.

I gave him a playful shove, before standing up. Looking once more at the mess all around us, the blood wouldn't come out of the beige carpet.

"I think we should move to a new complex," I told him.

"I think you're right on that one," he replied.

As the two of us continued to pick things up here and there, Steve broke the silence.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened while you were captured? You don't have to tell me if it's too much. I know how those stories can be personal," he said to me. I knew he didn't want to hurt me by asking, he was curious as to what happened to me. I knew if the situation had been reversed I would have asked the same question. It couldn't be fun wondering and thinking the worst.

"Well, it wasn't fun," I started saying to him, letting out a chuckle.

Before I could say anything further, he came over and picked me up bridal style, taking me into our room. He sat me down on the bed, and sat down beside me.

"You don't have to put up that front around me you know," he said earnestly.

"What front? I don't have a front," I scoffed. He gave me a pointed look.

"I'm just saying you don't have to pretend it's a joke. I know it wasn't humorous what happened to you, so don't pretend around me," Steve finished. His blue eyes bore into mine. Somehow that gave me the confidence to tell hime everything that happened. While being able to really pore out my feelings, not joking about any of it.

The entire time, Steve held my hand and nodded along. He would say encouraging things here and there when I would get anxious about a certain topic.

"Well if I ever thought you were strong before it's nothing to how I think you are now," he said as my story came to a finish.

I stood up frantically, my anger boiling up inside me.

"Strong? You think I'm strong? I let them brainwash me Steve, not once but twice now! I tried to kill you for them! I let those scumbags use me as a puppet! If I was strong I would've been able to resist in the first place," I started to tell him. My eyes were welling with tears out of anger and frustration. Many of my pent up feelings were finally being released. "This is what my entire nightmares were made of Steve. That I would become that monster again, that I would destroy everything I ever worked for. Those stories I told you about myself are true. There are even worse stories I'm sure! I just can't remember all of them because those Hydra bastards cleared a lot of my memories years ago."


"Don't try to pretend what I did was okay. I know it isn't. I never wanted you to see me like that," I said embarrassed, not looking into his eyes. "I don't even completely understand how you want to marry me after I tried to stick a knife in your skull. Those nightmares, the ones that you saw me go through? They were you leaving me because you finally saw me for the monster I am and you left."

I finished everything I needed to say. Everything had came out in word vomit. Steve stared up at me, he was still sitting on the bed. At the moment his face was unreadable.

"If you don't say something I will read your mind Rogers,"I threatened, not being able to stand the silence.

"Did you let everything out?" he asked me.I shook my head in response, awaiting for a goodbye from him. If he didn't think I was monster, he at the very least thought I was psychotic. 

"I don't think you're a monster. Did you do bad things in your past? Yes you did, but it wasn't you who did them. I mean yes it was, but not under your control. You were under Hydra's. And I do think you're strong. I know you were supposed to murder me, under Hydra's orders, but you fought it Morgan. You fought and you won and now we're both here in one piece and that's all I can ask for," Steve continued, pulling me onto his lap. "Those nightmares you have, don't let them haunt you because I'm never leaving. I want to marry you because you are the right partner for me. You make everything in my life better. Even if you tried to murder me."

I scowled at him over the last part.

"Don't joke about that," I warned him. I knew it would haunt me forever that I attempted to hurt him, even if I wasn't in charge of myself at the time.

"I won't, if you stop worrying about me leaving you. It's never going to happen. We'll be okay," he assured me one last time.



~A/N Ok everyone this was the final chapter for this book!! Thank you so much to everyone who's read this and supported it. It has been so much fun writing this story and this character. Please please let me know what you thought. I would really appreciate it. 

Also I have the third book in the works right now, so maybe I will post the first chapter between today and tomorrow, sooner if I get some really good feedback from you guys :)

Just one more time, thank you so much! Without everyones support this wouldn't have gone as far as it did and I appreciate every single one of you! So please don't forget to vote and comment!~

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