Chapter Eleven: Rooftops

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"How could I let him get away?" I asked, pacing back and forth on the roof. My mind racing. I knew I've been less reliant on my powers since after New York but I needed to start accessing them further. The experiments gave me a lot of powers in the telekinesis and telepathy. But I barely use them and now I'm paying for it.

"It wasn't your fault," Steve assured me. He went over to the wall and snatched his shield out of the wall. "That guy was something I haven't seen before."

"I need to train," I said bluntly.

"You're fighting has been better?" he questioned, knowing I've gotten much better when it came to hand to hand.

"Not physically, mentally," I explained. "My powers need to be expanded."

"Ok. But first we need to go see Nick," he told me. I instantly felt regret that I was being selfish.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"I know why you're doing it. You don't have to explain anything to me," he said.

We left the rooftop and made our way towards our building. We made our to his motorcycle and we left straight for the nearest hospital. I sent a brain message to Natasha as soon as the shots were fired. She was instinctively one of the first people I would ask for help. I assume she called 911 because there was no sign of Fury when we went to our apartment before getting the motorcycle.

Steve and I walked in, Natasha already there. She was watching what was happening, all of us idly standing by. One of the first times I have ever felt totally helpless.

"Do you think he will make it?" Natasha asks, breaking the silence. She didn't even take her eyes off where they were operating on Nick.

"I don't know," Steve replied.

"Tell me about the shooter," she said. This time turning towards me. Our past few months forgotten in this single moment. It felt normal again, if only for a split second.

"He's fast and strong. He had a metal arm," I described to her. Trying to think of any other details I could give her, but that is basically what summed up the mystery shooter.

Maria Hill walked into the room. Her eyes going straight to where they were operating on Fury. She didn't say anything at first just observed.

"Ballistics?" Natasha asked Maria.

"Three slugs. No rifling and completely untraceable," Maria answered. Not going into any further details about the incident.

"Soviet made?"


Their conversation, as little as it was, was cut short when Nicks entire state changed. He was going down and there was nothing any of us could do. We watched silently as his condition was worsening. My hand flew to my mouth and I knew I wasn't the only one not knowing what to do in this situation.

"He's dropping!" I heard one of the doctors say. I walked closer to the glass. I looked closely at him trying to reach into his mind. I heard his thoughts. They were calculated and calm, but not hopeful.

I watched as they tried and tried. I heard Natasha whisper to herself. "Don't do this to me Nick."

I grabbed her hand for a split second and squeezed it. It was cold and stiff but I felt the slightest of squeezes back. I let go in an instant and it was like it never happened. But I knew what it would mean to her, even if she didn't show it.

We all watched as the doctors tried to shock him back to life. They tried two, three times to get his heart to start pumping again.

"Pulse?" one of the doctors asked the other.

"None," the first one replied somberly.

"What's the time?" the first doctor asked once again.

"1:03 doctor," one of the nurses replied.

"Time of death 1:03 am," the second doctor replied.

I gripped tightly to the flash drive Nick gave me before we hunted down the bastard who shot him. The person who took his life away. Whatever was on this drive had to be important, important enough for Fury to hand over to me before he died. I wouldn't let that be ruined.

We were escorted to a room, it was Fury's body laid out on a table. He looked so peaceful, something I thought I would never say about him. Keeping secrets all the time didn't do much for worry lines. Natasha stood in front of his body, tears escaped from her eyes. This was something that didn't happen often, her showing a sense of vulnerability.

"Natasha," Steve said, trying to get her attention. She barely looked up at the mention of her name. She gave Fury one last touch and she exited the room. Steve and I briskly walked after her. Trying to help her.

"Natasha!" I yelled after her.

She turned around, her red hair whipping around her face. I could see a little anger in her eyes. Or suspicion, it was hard to tell with her sometimes.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" she demanded. Her eyes flickering between Steve and I, she obviously felt like something was up.

"I don't know," Steve answered her.

Brock walked up to Steve and I. Touching my shoulder to grab my attention, I was looking towards Natasha. The touch of his hand brought me out of my state.

"Captain, Agent Smith, they want you back at SHIELD. They want separate meetings though, they think you will work off of each other," Brock Rumlow let us know. I found this weird but I didn't question it. They probably wanted to make sure our stories matched up without us working off of each other. SHIELD knew we made a great team.

"Ok just give us a moment," I told him, slightly irritated at his presence. 

"They need you two now," he answered quickly.

"Okay," I told him.

We turned back to Natasha wanting to resolve this.

"You should've let Morgan answer. She's a much better liar than you," she stated before turning off and leaving.

Steve gave me a look. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"Well she isn't wrong," I told him.

He rolled his eyes, but before he left I saw a hint of a small smile on his lips.

-A/N thank you so much everyone! Sorry if I missed any comments and haven't replied I've been out of town the past week and haven't had service! But I'm back now and decided to put out a new chapter! Hope everyone likes it and appreciate every single person who has read this far. Please feel free to leave a comment or vote if you liked this chapter! It is all very appreciated-

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