Chapter Seven: An Awkward Encounter

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As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I was in for a weird afternoon.  We both walked into the room, I fell a little behind him. I decided he should take the lead on introductions for this. I looked around the room, it was simple with white walls, a painting of the ocean haning on one wall, and a small vase of flowers in once corner. There were several personal pictures on the dresser of her and her family. The older woman in the bed, Peggy, looked frail and weak. But, I could still see the strong woman in her eyes that was the same as in the picture Steve had shown me. I instantly could feel her uneasiness, I didn't exactly read her mind but I felt the emotions swirling around in it.

"Hi Peggy, this is Morgan. The one I have been telling you about," Steve said, walking to her bedside.

"So this is the woman who has helped Steve more than I ever possibly could have," she stated, her voice small. She looked past Steve and motioned for me to come closer. "I am so glad he has found someone like you. He needs a strong woman and I can tell that's what you are."

"Oh come on, I am not that great. I don't know what he has been telling you," I laughed. "But thank you Ms. Carter that means a lot to me."

"Oh please call me Peggy. It's about time Steve here has brought you here," Peggy told us, a small smile across her face. I could see what Steve saw in her.

"We uh we've been busy with SHIELD," Steve started. I watched as he talked to her, it was like he was catching up with an old friend, which I guess that what it was. "For as long as I can remember I just wanted to do what was right. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders, serve. It's just not the same."

I let his words sink in. I knew he was referring to the mess Fury just brought to our attention. I knew he wanted some insight and a link to the past is exactly what he needed, especially from someone he was so close to.

"He's always so dramatic isn't he?" she asked, looking over at me. "Look, you saved the world Steve. We rather mucked it up."

"You didn't. Knowing you helped found SHIELD is half the reason I stay. Morgan's the other half," he gave a small smile, trying to reassure her.

"The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best we can do is start over," she said. Before another word could be uttered by either of us, she started coughing and wheezing. Steve hurried and grabbed a glass of water, leaning over and helping her take a sip of it.

When she stopped coughing I could see her eyes were a little cloudy. I went inside her mind for a split second and she wasn't in the same mindset as before.

"Steve?" she asked.


"You're alive! You...You came, you came back!" she exclaimed, as if nothing that happened before was real.

"Yeah, Peggy," he told her, playing along with what was happening. I could tell this wasn't the first time something like this has happened.

"It's been so long. So long..." she trailed off. She started to cry, I placed a hand over my mouth. Trying to stay silent. I didn't want to interrupt.

"Well, I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance," he told her. An old memory he told me about once before. I knew what it meant. I slowly walked out of the room, allowing the two to have a minute together. Steve followed behind me not too long after I left.

I lead the way out of the building, Steve following closely behind me. We reached his motorcycle, he turned me to look at him.

"Are you okay?"  he asked me. My first thought was to say no that I was not okay. I didn't know what to say at the moment, something that kept happening since New York.

"I'm fine Steve, just it was a lot. Especially that last bit," I told him, deciding to be honest and upfront about it. "I'm trying to be cool about it, and I do understand. I really do get it, I get the relationship but the part I don't get it is why you would love me after loving someone like her. I don't compare and I don't think I ever can, there's darkness in me Steve. Something that will always be there. I can't erase the past."

"Where is this coming from?" Steve asked, grabbing my hands in his. His eyes pleading for answers. "You know I love you and what my feelings were for Peggy are long gone. I haven't felt that way in a long time. Especially since I met you. What is this about darkness? You told me your past before."

I sheepishly looked down at the ground, it was now my turn to be shy and nervous. "There are things that haven't been told completely the way it happened. You would think I was a monster. Especially after meeting her and seeing for myself, it's my turn to tell you more about my past."

"Let's just go to the apartment first, you'll want to sit down for this," I told him once more.

Then when I told him my story, he did in fact want to sit down.

~A/N Once again thank you for reading this far! I know the scene with Peggy was different than the movie but I felt like I really needed to change that one up. I hope everyone liked it. Anyways let me know what you think with a comment or vote. Also my messages are always open if you have any questions or just wanna drop by!~

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