Chapter Three: Let's End This

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We were all waiting on the deck, ready for some word from Natasha. We needed the engine room secured before we could move on. We watched the deck and I heard the a strike agent through my earpiece, "target acquired."

"Natasha what's your status?" I asked, hoping she was ready so we could be done with this.

Nothing came through from Natasha. I wondered what was going on with her. It normally didn't take her anytime at all.

"Status, Natasha?" Steve asked this time. We needed to know soon or this whole thing could take a turn for the worse.

"Hang on!" She finally answered through the earpiece. There was some frustration in her voice. I'm sure she didn't want us nagging her. She was usually on her own for these things.

"Engine room secure," she said through the earpiece barely a second later.

I focused my attention back to Steve and the other agents. We were ready to take action now and this had to be perfect.

"On my mark. Three. Two. One," Steve counted down. The shield agents started shooting the pirates down, eliminating them all at once.

I ran off with Steve who is looking towards a window. I knew the target, Batroc, was in there and Steve planned to take action. He stands and runs, smashing through the window, using his shield to break through the window. He motions for me and I teleport beside him, thankfully I could see clearly where he was.

We both heard Brock through our earpieces, "Hostages enroot to extraction. Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Captain and Smith. Hostiles are still in play."

"Natasha, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages," I said through the earpiece.

There was no word from her. Both Steve and I looked at each other, knowing she would have answered by now if she wasn't up to something.

"Natasha!" Steve said once again in the earpiece.

Before there was a response from her Batroc comes and pushes me to the side. I fall to the floor, hard, and feel like I'm seeing stars. I heard Steve shout my name before I could hear the two fighting. I watched and they were both fighting hard.

"I thought you were more than just a mask," I could hear Batroc say. I still lay on the ground. Watching carefully in case I needed to make a move. I wouldn't step in unless I needed to.

"Let's find out," I watched out of the corner of my eye as Steve dropped his mask to the ground, strapping his shield to his back.

I watched as the two continued to fight. As they are fighting I can see Steve was ready to end it. He ran and smashed into the door leading to a room. They barely missed me as they crashed through. Batroc was knocked out and I slowly got up. Brushing off my suit and stepped in behind Steve. I looked around the room and saw a certain redhead looking through a computer.

"Well this is awkward," she said sarcastically, not even looking away from the computer.

"What are you doing Natasha?" I asked, not waiting for an explanation first. I knew she wouldn't outright say anything to us first.

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into. You two should start doing it," she stated. Barely glimpsing at us.

"Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?" Steve asked. I could tell he was pissed. He hardly ever cursed and when he did it meant he was mad. I walked over to her computer to see what exactly she was backing up.

"You're saving SHIELD Intel," I said to her. I was wondering what the point of this was.

"Whatever I can get my hands on," she said, smirking at me. She looked smug and she knew I wouldn't do anything about it.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages," Steve reminded her.

"No that's yours and little miss girl scouts mission," Natasha told us both. She then grabs the flash drive and yanks it out of the computer, "And I must say you two have done it so beautifully. I would have only been in the way."

As she goes to leave I grab her arm. She stiffens and turns to look at me.

"What do you think your doing Smith?"

"You just jeopardized this whole mission," I sneered at her.

"I think that's overstating things," she played it off. Snatching her arm out of my grasp. She gave me a dirty look. Before I could say anything else to her Batroc suddenly wakes up and throws a grenade. Steve hits it with his shield and grabs me by the waist. I snatch onto Natasha's hand and we all catapult through a window. We all duck as shards of glass fall all around us.

"Okay that one's on me," Natasha said.

"Your damn right," I said, getting up. I brushed the small shards of glass off my suit and leave. I hear Steve follow behind me. He soon catches up, he grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. He knew how angry I was and this was his way of calming me down. It worked and I was soon feeling better.

We both got into the plane and headed back for SHIELD headquarters. I knew Steve was heated about this whole thing and it was going to be my turn to calm him down. But I knew he wouldn't stop until Fury knew just how mad he was over this whole thing.

We stepped into Fury's office and that's when Steve unleashed his frustration.

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