Chapter Sixteen: Russian Scientists, Oh My!

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We soon pulled up on a really old building. It looked as if no one has been there for years, which is very likely. Or they wanted it to look that way.

"This is it?" Steve asked a little skeptically.

"The file came from these coordinates," Natasha answered, talking for the first time since our conversation earlier.

"So did I," Steve muttered. "This is the camp where I trained."

"Changed much?" Natasha spoke up again.

"A little," he said simply. I watched as he went into his own head for a moment. I had to resist sneaking a peak, but I knew that some memories were best left alone. But I can't lie and say I'm not curious as to what was going on in his head.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off," Natasha said. Looking around our surroundings. I watched as Steve noticed another building, he instantly started walking towards it.

"What is this?" I asked him, Natasha and I following close behind him.

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards from the barracks. This building is in the wrong place," he told us. Steve made his way up to the door, before I could even try to force the lock off he swung his shield around and busted it open.

I searched the wall and found a light switch. I turned it on without even thinking about it. The light quickly illuminated the whole room and it looked like this was an old SHIELD office.

"This is SHIELD," Natasha stated as we walked completely into the building.

"Yeah maybe where it started," I commented out loud.

The three of us walked into another room. Along the walls were a bunch of framed pictures, I noticed the one of Peggy right away. There was another one of  a man who resembled Tony, I assumed it was his father.

"There's Starks father," Natasha told us, pointing to the picture I was just noticing. This must be bizarre for Steve. Seeing all this since everything that has happened to him.

"Howard," Steve muttered. Not really looking over to the picture.

I wonder over towards a book shelf that is on one side of the room. I heard Natasha ask Steve who the girl was and he didn't answer her. This just shows me even further what it meant to him to have me meet her. To completely let me in like that.

Steve walked over towards me, I was scanning the book shelf. There was something really off about it and I knew exactly what it was.

"If you already work in a secret office," Steve started, I pushed the book shelf and it slid over. It revealed a hidden elevator.

"Why do you need to hide the elevator?" I said, finishing Steve's train of thought.

Natasha walked up behind us, "sometimes you two are unbearable."

She pushed past the two of us, walking into the elevator first. I felt myself smirk at the comment and I had a feeling Steve was too. Both of us on the same page.  Even though there was some talk in the car with Nat,  I knew the problem wasn't completely resolved yet. She was a hard nut to crack. Both of us quickly followed behind her and got inside the elevator.

"You know I am not the biggest fan of elevators at the moment," I said out loud, I was trying to break some of the awakwardness. Let's just say I was the only who thought it was funny. I gave a small cough, trying to act nonchalant about the whole ordeal. I could feel Natasha give me a side eye.

The elevator finally opened, and we walked into a room that was filled with old computers. There must have been an inch think layer of dust on everything.

"Well isn't this refreshing," I muttered to  myself.

"This can't be the data point, this technology is ancient," Natasha said to us.

Steve was slowly walking around the room. I was walking around the other side of the room. Trying to figure out what all of this  meant. The whole room felt eery and I didn't like it. I walked over towards Natasha seeing if she saw anything when I noticed a small flash drive port. I took a chance and stuck the flash drive in, the same one Fury gave me. It plugged right in, and I knew this was only the beginning.

"Initiate system?" the computer asks.

Natasha starting typing onto the old keyboard, "Y-E-S, spells yes."

I watched quietly as the old computer started to crank on and I knew this was going to lead us somewhere. But whether it was a good thing or a bad thing I wasn't sure of yet.

"Shall we play a game?" Natasha asked the both of us, a playful smile on her face. One that I haven't seen in a while. I gave a loud laugh when I saw Steve's confused face, it was quite adorable.

"It's from a movie," I explained to him. "One that I will never watch again." I gave a slight shudder at the memory of Clint and Natasha showing me the movie when I was seventeen. I was scared out of my mind when I watched it. I knew she must have thought of the memory too, because she quickly cleared her throat and turned serious once again. I knew Steve sensed the tension rise again in the air.

"What was that about?" he asked me through a brain message.

"I'll explain more later, it was an old memory."

Then before Steve or I could say anything else a voice rung out from the computer. I almost jumped out of my skin, because whatever I was expecting it wasn't a voice.

"Rogers, Steven. Born, 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born 1984. Smith, Morgan. Born 1992."

I looked between the three of us. All of us instantly  became stiff.

"Well this should be fun."

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