Chapter Thirty-Two: Snap Out of It

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"Alright, Smith and Barnes, you two know what to do," Rumlow started speaking once more. We were back in the room again, the two of us silently listening. "I want him taken out."

He stomped out of the room leaving the two of us in the room. We made eye contact for one short moment before we both left the room as well. We had our mission and it was time follow to through on it.

I took a different route than Bucky, opting to get there quicker. It was like my body couldn't wait to finish him off. If only it would listen to the pleas of my brain and heart.

I silently, and quickly, made my way onto the Helicarrier and waited for Steve to arrive.

I heard as he landed on the carrier, I could hear him talking to what was most likely Sam.

I scanned the area for a moment, I noticed Bucky still hasn't made it out here yet. I would go ahead and start the party I guess then.

Before he could make it too far inside, I stopped right in front of him. I could barely stand to feel his blue eyes scan me, as if he wanted to hold me. But how could he? I was a monster again! After all of this time trying to hide it and run from it, I was back to where I started.

"Morgan, please don't do this. You're stronger than this. I know it," he pleaded. He reached out a hand, but pulled it back as if he knew he couldn't quite trust me. Which he couldn't.

I shook my head, my body trying to fight against what he was saying. Then before I knew what I was doing I tossed a knife at him. He instantly pulled his shield out and blocked the knife. The metal rung out as it hit the floor.

Steve's blue eyes pleaded for me to stop, but I couldn't. The mind power they had over me was too strong. I forced the knife back into my hand, launching it for his face this time. His shield went back up, not wavering even for a moment.

I let out a frustrated gasp and lunged for him, he dodged me instantly. My fist had made contact with the shield and it felt like all of my bones had shattered. I let out a horrific scream. This made his wall drop and I saw my chance and took it. I forced his shield to hit him in the face, as he fell backwards I forced it right out of his hands. Using it to my own advantage. I slammed it down, aiming for his face, he rolled out of the way just in time. The shield was embedded into the floor.

I lost patience with it, but before I lunged for Steve again, I noticed there was something he was holding behind his back.

I lept forward, trying to see what it was. I didn't want any surprise attacks. But, as I jumped forward he trapped me in his arms and snapped something around my neck. It was the collar that disabled my powers.

"Morgan you have to listen to me," he pleaded. "I know you're in there. I know you can beat this. You have to."

I didn't want to listen so I punched him in the jaw, he didn't even try to fight me. I kicked him in the knee, hard, then as he came down I punched him once more in the face. His eyes were pleading once more, begging for me to stop. More than anything I wanted to. I wanted it to end.I didn't want to become the monster I feared in so many of my nightmares, but by being Hydras slave I was allowing all of it to come true. I didn't want to hurt him like this but I didn't know how to stop. How could I fight the power they had over me?

Then as I pulled back to bring down another blow, he pulled something else out from behind his back. It was a black velvet box. My heart stopped for moment, it was almost as if my mind was in control for a split second. Then I let out a horrific scream as my brain tried to fight for control.

I stood as still as I could, fighting the urge to kill Steve again. Knowing what I could truly loose if I let Hydra win over me for the second time in my life. I wasn't going to let them take this, him, away from me. I was trying my hardest to fight for control. I felt the most intense pain in my head, I clutched the side of my head as I was brought to my knees. Steve was by my side in an instant.

"You can do this," he muttered. 

I snapped out of it and for a moment since I had been taken, I felt like myself.

"Steve?" I questioned. I wasn't even sure it was real. That I was in control of myself once more.

"I hope this means you are saying yes," he said quickly, placing millions of kisses in my hair as he held onto me tightly.

"Yes, a million times yes," I let out in one long breathe. Finally feeling free.

I reached out my hand and touched his cheek. Then before I could stop myself I pulled him in for a long kiss. We both pulled apart and smiled at one another. It felt like I was waking up after a terrible nightmare. Our joy didn't last long when we heard there was another presence beside us. Bucky.

I knew this wasn't the end of my nightmare.

~A/N Oh my goodness guys! Tell me how you thought of this chapter! I worked really hard on it and I love to hear everyones feedback. So if you liked it please leave a vote or comment!~

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