Chapter Thirteen: Trouble

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I stood in the elevator, watching the city as I went down. It wasn't until one more floor that a SHIELD agent came through. I watched as he gave me a small smile and pressed a button. He stood over to the side, I watched as his hand clamped and unclamped his briefcase. How odd.

Then the elevator dinged again as we stopped on another floor. This time three more SHIELD agents came in. I was shifted more towards the middle of the elevator. They all seemed to not be saying anything. I turned towards Steve's elevator, he happened to look my way at this moment. His elevator was more crowded than mine. As soon as we made eye contact I knew what was happening.

"Watch yourself Morgan, you know what they're about to do," he told me through another brain message.

"Be careful Steve. I love you."

"I love you too."

As that last bit went through one more set of guys came in. I scanned the elevator for a moment. Well this was a new one. I clenched my own fists, ready to fight. They were lucky I didn't have any knives on me.

"Well fellas, do any of you wanna get off before you get your asses kicked by a girl," I said. I watched as the guy any front of me clenched his hands. He turned towards me trying to taze me. Hell no.

I snatched his arm, I brought it down and turned it in an unnatural way. Another guy tried to grab me, I forced him into the side of the elevator. I turned and kicked another guys knee as he went to reach for me. When he bent down I kneed him into the chin and he crashed onto the floor. The first guy who entered the elevator came up behind me and grabbed me in headlock. Another one came over and smacked me across the face. I kicked my legs out as hard as I could, my foot connecting with his cheek. When he was distracted I forced one of the tazers into my captors face. I used all my energy and punched him as hard as I could in the nose.

There was still one last guy standing. At this point I was breathing heavy. We were making eye contact and I watched his every move.

"I guess you guys underestimated my powers," I smirked.

"Won't happen again ma'am," he said, mocking me, before lunging towards me. He smashed me into the elevator. My head knocked against the glass. I could feel my anger rising. I kneed him in the stomach and kicked him the shin. I sent another punch across his face. I used my powers and started to choke him. I had him raised above my head and he was gasping for breathe. I watched as his legs flailed and I wasn't letting up.

"That's enough Morgan," I heard Steve's voice inside my head. I turned to see him watching. I quickly let go and he was knocked out like the rest of them.

I opened the elevator doors with my powers and I saw a whole team of SHIELD coming my way. More than I could handle. I turned to Steve and he motioned for me to come to his elevator. Thank God I could see where he was and I teleported beside him.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, my face between his hands. He searched over my face making sure.

"I'm fine," I told him. I looked towards the ground, embarrassed about what he saw earlier.

"It's okay you know. I know you didn't mean it," Steve told me before moving to the elevator door. He pushed them open with his strength. Just like outside mine there was a whole team waiting for us.

"Drop the shield! Put your hands in the air!" they screamed at us. Steve quickly shut the door and cut the wires that were holding the elevator in place. We started out plummeting down and then it started to slow down. I forced the doors open again, hoping there was no one on this floor. However, luck wasn't on our side today.

"Give it up Smith! Rogers! You guys have nowhere to go!"

Steve shut the doors. We both looked around the elevator for a way out. There was one, but it was something I didn't want to go through.

"Can you see the ground from here?" he asked me.

"No we're to high up I can't get a clear picture. No clear picture means no clear shot," I told him.

"Then hold on."

He grabbed me by the waist tightly. I reached my arms around his neck and he threw us out the window. His shield protecting  the both of us. I felt a couple of glass shards scratch at my skin. I closed my eyes and snuggled my face into his neck. He positioned me on top of him so when we finally hit the ground, he took most of the impact. The shield rang out loud as it hit the cement. I rolled off of him, my skin feeling the broken pieces of glass that were scattered everywhere.

"Are you okay?" I frantically asked him. He didn't respond just grabbed my hand and took off running.

"As soon as you see my motorcycle I want you to teleport towards it!" he yelled as we ran down the street.

I did as he told me and when I saw it insight I teleported over to it. He was right behind me in an instant. We quickly got it started and was off. This time I was driving, his arms wrapped around me. Suddenly a Quinjet was in front of us. I watched as its guns came out and pointed at us.

"Stand down you two! Stand down," we heard once more. Steve quickly handed me his shield and I knew what to do. I positioned it in front of us as I kept driving.

"Repeat stand down," it said one last time. The machine gun started firing at us, bouncing off the shield. Not one of them hitting us.

He reached around me and threw his shield at one of the propellers. It was jammed in there which slowed it down.

"Hit the brakes," he told me. I do as I was told and it projected him over me and onto the jet. I was able to drive under the jet and wait on the other side for Steve. He started doing major damage to the jet. He was single handily taking it down. As the jet was going down, he jumped to the other side. Landing beside me and the motorcycle. He strapped the shield to his back again before hopping behind me on the motorcycle.

I drove off as fast as I could. Neither of looking back. I knew where we had to go first.

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