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"Share all my thoughts and cares

Here is my heart, here is my soul

You pushed me past my lonely door

You are my everything

September a time of in betweens

Lazy month of nothing

All rainy gutters rushing

They're all true

All the good things you say

Will they all pass

Quit like the clouds today?

They'll be there in your pretty dreams

All full of color and sense of things

You blow breath of life in me

I felt this way the night before

You pulled me from this heavy floor

You are my everything

You are my everything"

That was what my dad would sing to me when I was about 4. I miss my family, I know I have my NCIS family, but I wish I still had my mom and dad.

"Lexi, we got it" Abby woke me up

"Hmmaf" I mumbled

I opened my eyes to revile a ready, and awake Gibbs in front of me, Gibbs handed me a coffee and Abby a Caf-pow.

"Did you two earn those?" Gibbs questioned us

"Yep, the finger prints are," Abby paused

"Lt. Sergio Dweller" I finished

Gibbs kissed us on the cheek, and then left. Me and Abby high five each other,

That's how my morning began, it's summer now for me so I spend most of my time working on NCIS cases, and letting my grief of my parents death finally catch up to me. There funeral is in one week. I can't do this, I am expected to be strong, but I can't. I hate people seeing that I'm weak.

Later that day Tony, McGee, Ziva, and I sat in the bullpen, typing information on our computers, and working on paper work. Gibbs was in the directors office, updating him on today's case. Sergio was still missing , we last tracked him to Southern Europe.

"Tony, Ziver, you two are going to Italy" Gibbs announces

"Wow boss, Italy?!!?" Tony exclaims

"Yes, you leave tomorrow," Gibbs continued

I was looking up from my paper work now, I bet that's where Sergio Dweller is hiding, it was getting late I was hoping we get to go home soon.

"All of you go home" Gibbs adds in at the perfect time.

"Hey Lexi you need a ride" McGee asks me

" Sure thanks" I reply

McGee was talking about Tony and Ziva going to Italy for awhile

"I wonder who is going to get the couch this time" McGee randomly adds in

I looked puzzled over at McGee,

"Oh it was one of there old missions in Paris, Tony got the couch" McGee explains

Oh okay that helps, then we reach my apartment, I get out and say thank you for the ride. I feel like I could pass out from lack of sleep, but I can't sleep it's impossible. I walk in to my apartment, cook a TV dinner, and sit on the couch. I ate in silence.

"tomorrow is a new day" I remind myself

And I think around 3am I finally passed out.

*ring ring*

The phone was ringing, I sat up and grabbed my phone. Caller ID said 'Gibbs'

"Hello" I answer

Gibbs starts asking me if I'm okay, and why I didn't answer the phone.

"I'm fine Gibbs, I just passed out last night, ill be there soon" I reassure him

Then he hangs up.

I stretch out my arms and glance towards my door, at that moment i have to do a double take. There was in my window by my door, the letters NCIS written in blood. I walk carefully over to my window, and at my foot there was a note. I pull out my phone and recall Gibbs.

"Yes Lexi" Gibbs answers

"Uh, Gibbs I'm not okay, my window in my apartment, has blood on it and it says NCIS" I catch him up

"We'll be there" he finishes

When they get here Gibbs picks up the note and reads it


"Navy ID number" McGee and DiNozzo say at the same time

"Lexi, what happened" Ziva asks me

"I don't really know, I fell asleep at 3:14 am, woke up 30 minutes ago and found this" I respond

"The ID number is Lt. Sara Massey's, but she's been dead for 10 years" McGee adds in.


Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now