Jenny ?!

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Gibbs POV.

"Hello Jethro" she coughed surprised

My mind raced back to The Mojave desert. I saw her dead on the floor and Mike was with her! How is she alive?!

"Shut your mouth or you'll catch flys" she jokes.

I'm just so shocked I have like a million questions! Who was the woman who we buried? Where has she been? What? Who? Hu?

"Let me explain" she continued "when me and Franks got to the dinner we found the photo we needed, and this woman came out, Lillian and she looked exactly like me. We talked and then me and franks left, but franks went back to make sure Lillian was okay. I went to hospital to treat my cancer. I've been floating around hospitals till next week when I finish up chemo."

Is hard to believe but she's really alive and sitting in front of me... I thought she was gone! I, I loved her and I'm so happy she's alive!

"Are you going to come see everyone" I stumble out

She then nods a yes, I take a breath.

"I'm gonna go see Alex" I say.

"Who's Alex?!" She asks

She sounds like a jealous wife with that sentence.

"My Agent, she's seventeen" I state

Jenny gave me a laugh and a "okay" look, I doubt she believes me.

I give her one more stare before I left down the hall.

Lexi was sitting up in her bed, I walked in and sat in the chair again.

"Gibbs where did you go" she coughs

"I found a old friend" I say

She has a oh look and lays back down.

"What happened, after I was shot" she asks

I think back, all I can remember is me running to her and Mike shooting Abraham.

"I can't remember" I answer.

She sighs,

Ziva's POV

After Alex saved us all and she was shot, Gibbs left to the hospital with her. Me and Tony still had to go to Italy, so we got back to the airport, we got to board the plane this time. I was on my computer most of the time communicating with McGee to find out where we are staying and where Sergio Dweller is. After all of that was confirmed then I looked over at Tony. He was starring at the ceiling of the plane.

"Tony," I whisper

He jumps a little and looks over at me.

"What wrong Tony?" I ask him.

He fakes a smile

"I'm fine" he says

Then he gets up and walks towards the restrooms. I watch him leave, why did he not want to talk, yes we were just kidnaped and held hostage, but when he saved me from Somalia he was less affected then me.... So I doubt it is that. Tony then walks back and sits down.

"Tony-" I start

"It's just, I never had a brother or sister, I only had to take care of myself and ever since Lexi started, I thought of her like my sister that I never got to have." Tony explains

I looked at him I could see his eyes were sad about Lexi. I put my hand carefully on his leg. I watched his face and finally I fell asleep.

Later when the plane landed it was like 4 in the morning. Tony and I left to the hotel. I pulled out my phone in the cab and texted McGee and Gibbs to let them know we arrived okay. When we got to the room we looked around and got settled.

"I'll take the couch" I say

"Come on miss David" Tony invites sexily.

I roll my eyes and start out of the room.

"Please" he begs and curls his lips

I smile and walk back in and sit down on the bed.

"Happy" I joke.

"Very" he laughs

Then we lay down and start looking through movies and Tony was talking about them. I felt like I was going to go deaf. Then he walked over and got us each a glass of champaign.

"Here we are my Lady" he says

He hands me the glass of champaign.

I smile and take a sip. This is so perfect, I'm so much in love.

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