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Gibbs POV.

I walked back to Lexi, I sat down next to Ziva. I put my arm around her,

"She will be okay" I whisper.

She nods slowly yes, then she ran out of the room. I followed her and saw she ran to the restrooms.

I waited by the door, she came out.

"You okay?" I ask her

She nods yes then she goes back to the room. I decide to go for coffee.

After I got coffee I went back to NCIS. I was driving up and I saw a guy that I recognized. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, when he turned around I punched him in the face.

"You" I yelled

Then I put him in cuffs and dragged him into the building.

He was Abby's rapest

Ziva's POV.

I've been getting sick for about three days now, almost 3 times a day. I hope it's just the flu, but I don't think it is.

I reached and took Lexi's hand, I traced her hand outline. In my whole life I never realized how important my family is to me. My phone then buzzed. Tony.

T: hey is everything okay?

Z: no Lexi is in the hospital

T: WHAT! What happened!?

Z: we were at a farm and then a suicide bomber set off a bomb.

T: really. I'll be there soon.

Then I put my phone down, I need to talk with him.

When he got there he sat down beside me,

"Hey," he greeted me

"Hi" i whispered

"What's wrong" he asked

"Can we talk in private?" I begged

He nodded and took my hand,

"Lets go my lady" he said

Then we got in his car and drove to his house.

In his house I sat down on his couch, he had to go to the bathroom so I just said there thinking of what to say.

Then I had a bad sick feeling, uh oh. Tony came walking out the door,

Tonys POV.

Ziva ran through my house and to my restroom, she went to the toilet and threw up. She looked at me, and hid her face.

"Zi?" I asked


Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now