Mike Franks

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Lexi's POV

I waited for Gibbs for like five minutes. He did not show up, I decided to go see what happened,

"Gibbs" I question

None was anywhere to be found. I got to the elevator entrance and found a note. Then before I could have a chance to read it, the director took it out of my hands.

"We need to talk, MTAC now" he told me.

I walked up the stairs with him and in to MTAC. He made the video communication people leave.

"This guy he has kidnaped everyone" Vance told me

"What!!!" I screamed

"They have them, who" I questioned

Leon tried to calm me down,

"Calm!!?? How can I be calm right now!!!" I scream

No after everything can't my happiness just lasts, I run out of MTAC. I have nothing but "I have to find them" on my mind. I was almost so distracted I didn't see the suspicious guy in the bullpen, almost. I pulled my gun on him and he took a step back.

"Woah little girl, hold up" he began

This guy was older, older than Gibbs but younger than Ducky, he had a very musky voice, I could smell cigarettes on him. Hm who could he be?

"I'm NCIS Agent Alex Heart, who are you" I demand

A snicker came out of his mouth,

"NCIS agent my Ass!" He joked

I stared at his face I cocked my gun ready to shoot.

"Alex!" I hear the director shout "don't shoot!"

I glanced at the Vance.

"Alex, meet Mike Franks. Mike, meet Alex Heart" Leon introduced us

"Thanks for the save there," Mike joked "now who is she, she ain't no Damn agent"

"She is Franks" Vance continued

Mike looked surprised and then shrugged,

"Nice to meet you Alex" Mike accepted

"Lexi is fine, thank you" I state

Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now