The Nights End

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Lexi's POV.

I laid down in autopsy for awhile,

   "My dear, how are you feeling?" Ducky asked me

    "Horrible" I quoted.

I wanted to just die right now, Gibbs saw my cuts, it feels like my grandfather broke my ribs. It hurts so bad to breath.

   "It hurts to breath" I scream out

Ducky and McGee run over to me.

I have had the longest day ever! 

McGee I could see he had no idea what to do. He was lost, I took deep breaths like Ducky told me to. But I stared at McGee. He looked scared of doing something wrong, I nodded trying to tell him Im going to be fine. McGee walked over and hugged me sorta. It was hard to hug me when I was laying down, but I still I was happy when he did hug me.

    "I have had a long day" I cough

Just as I say that I here the elevator ding, and in walked Gibbs.

     "Then lets get you home" he says

I slowly nod yes and he walks over to me. He takes my hand and helps me up, we walk slowly to his car and he takes me home.


Gibbs walks in with me and I lay down on the couch. Gibbs walked into the kitchen and got me a glass of water.

    "Thank you" I mumbled

I was scared of Gibbs, I didn't want to be yelled at about me cutting. I just laid there an looked at the ground,

    "Lexi, we need to talk" he brakes the silence.

I gulp and look slowly up at him,

    "Y-yes" I stumble "P-please don't y-yell"

He takes a deep breath,

    "Why did you cut?" He asked

I though and decided to tell him, I was so scared but I had to.

   "My parent, school for awhile, bullies" I list on

Gibbs took my hand and kissed it, I was happy. He reminds me of my dad.

    "Come on" he told me

Then I stood up and followed him into my bathroom. He opened the cabinet and found the box of razors, he toke and threw them In the trash. He tied the bag up and took it outside my door.

   "That will help" he states

We walked back into the living room, I laid down again. Gibbs sat In the chair,

   "You want to talk" he asks

I shake my head no, then I start crying. I couldn't help it, I was so sad. Gibbs walked over and sat bye me. He put his arms around me, I never really had anyone to be around like this in a long time. I accepted the help from him. I cried into his shirt,

   "I miss them" I choked

   "I know" he whispered

I continue crying for a long time, I then fell asleep in Gibbs arms.

     Gibbs POV.

    After Lexi fell asleep, I picked her up and carried her into bed. I thought back to the night after Shannon and Kelly's funeral. I was devastated, mad, sad, and I missed them a lot.

    If I had someone to comfort me, It would have been easier. I might not have wanted revenge as bad. I may have never gone to Mexico, but I will never know. I am this way for a reason, I'm happy with myself.

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