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1 week later

     Lexis POV.

It's the night before my parents funeral, I am totally out of it today. I was mostly just drawing random doodles.. I couldn't focus. I pulled my phone out and texted Will. He went on a two month vacation to California with his family. I miss him so much.

   Lexi: hey :) I miss you

  Will: I miss you too. This place is so boring now!

L: haha.

W: I wish you were here

L: yah that would be cool.

Then there was a knock on my door

L: hey g2g ttyl

W: okay

I got up and answered it, Gibbs was standing at my door way.

    "Hey boss" I said surprised "what's up"

   "Nothing, I just know the funeral is tomorrow and, just wanted to make sure your okay" he told me

I smiled.

    "Yes I'm fine" I answered

I knew he totally saw I was lying, but he accepted that I wanted to be alone right now.

   "Call me if you ever need me" he states

Then I nod a yes and he walks out. I sigh, I want to talk with him but, Im going to start crying and I don't want anyone to see that. 

I go over to the couch and lay down. I curl up with my light green blanket, and start to cry into it.

   "Why did this have to happen" I cry and scream "Why me! I'm all alone now"

I gave up, I reached for my razor blade again. I tried to stop for my family, but I can't. They will never know. I looked at my wrist, I cut about twenty lines on my wrist. Then I stopped, I can't let Gibbs know if I pass out, He will know. I watched my blood flow from my arm. It ran down my arm and one drop hit my blanket. I got up an washed my arm down. I put makeup on it to soften the color, and some orange and yellow bracelets. I laid back down on my couch and soon fell asleep.

     *that morning*

I woke up around six in the morning, I walked into a box that I brought from my old house. I sat down, and looked through it. I found my parents wedding photo, was stuck starring at the photo for like 15 minutes. I then threw it back into the box and began crying.

  I fell asleep once again, I slept till 9 am, I awoke to knocking at my door.

   "What!" I yell

   "Lexi your parent funeral is today" Ziva tells me through the door

Ugh stop reminding me, I hear my door open and someone walk in.

    "Lexi where are you?" She asks

I lift my hand and wave, then I plop it back down by my face.

I hear her walk over by me and sit down on the chair next to me.

    "The funeral is in a hour!" She reminds me

   "I'm not going" I mumble through my pillow

Then Ziva stood up and walked somewhere, I just keep my eyes closed and tried to leave reality. A few seconds later I hear the water turn on in the kitchen. Then footsteps back. I looked up and Ziva was standing above me with a glass of water,

   "Sit up and tell me what's wrong, or i'll pour this on you" she joked

  I rolled my eyes, and took the water from her. Took a sip, and sat it down.

   "I'm not going because i'll cry," I simply said

   "It is okay to cry, and show emotion" she let me know

   "Not with you all at NCIS, I'm a agent I can't be seen like that." I stated

She sighed and came and sat next to me. She took my hands and looked me I'm the eyes.

    "It is okay" she whispered in my ear

    I nodded, I quickly pulled my cut arm away from hers and hid it from her. She looked at my actions, and grabbed my arm. Shit I'm dead.

    Ziva's POV.

I took Lexis arm and took off the orange bracelets. She had a whole bunch of cuts in her wrist.

    "Lexi-" I breathed

She yanked her arm, ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't want to call Gibbs, so I walked over to the door and knocked.

    "Lexi, Me, Abby, and you will make it out if this" I told her

   I felt the door unlock, I walked in and sat on the bathroom floor.

     "I will help you both through this" I said

She looked away from me, I saw a couple tears fall from her eyes. I don't know what came over me but, I had motherly instincts at that moment. I went over to her face and wiped her tears away, and then I held her in my arms. It felt so natural, to have a child.

    "Lets get you ready" I whispered in her ear. 

She nods so I helped her up, and we walked to her bedroom. There was a outfit laid out already, so I let her change. I walked into the hall, she took about 5 minutes. When I walked back in Lexi looked like she was 25.

     Her outfit was a black skirt and a blue-purple velvet shirt. She had on brown high heels and had a sea green neckless on.

   "Wow, you sharpen up quickly" I announce

She smiles and thanks me.

  She goes into the bathroom to do her hair. I text Gibbs to let him know we are getting ready.

     Lexis POV.

My hair was pulled back and I braided it. It looked really good, I brushed my teeth I threw on light purple eye shadow, mascara, and a light pink lipstick.  The reason I dressed like this, is it was how my mom looked on the day before the wedding. Same clothes, same every thing. It took a minute to walk strait with high heals on. I mastered it though, so me and Ziva headed out.


    "Damn Lexi you look like a girl!" Tony remarked

I roll my eyes, and Gibbs slapped him on the back of the head.

    "Sorry boss" he remarked

   "You look wonderful Alex" Gibbs told me

   "Beautiful" I heard

I looked behind me, I was shocked to see Jimmy and Will walking towards me!

   "Omigosh" I remarked

I ran up to Will and hugged him. He made me so happy to see him,

    "Jimmy! Where did you find him?" I question

   "He was walking into NCIS when I was leaving. I brought him along" he explained

   "Thank you so much" I hugged Jimmy so tight.

Then we had to take our seats. My smile slowly fell. For more than one reason. I saw people who I never wanted to see again.

Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now