Gun Fight

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Mike and I are in the car, I'm just staring out the window thinking of all the ways to kill these people. I want them dead or arrested.

   "When we get there, be carful" Mike cuts into my thoughts

    "I can hold myself" I say

Mike sighs, and pulls over to the side of the road.

   "Look little girl, Gibbs will kill me if something bad happens to you" Mike tells me "he thinks of you like Kelly, you look almost like her"

I bite my lip, I felt my stomach drop it does that when I don't feel good, or a nice thing is said to me. That was a little bit of both. Im feeling happy, sad, and nervous all at the same time.

     "Lets do this" I answer him

Mike starts the car again and we drive for about 15 minutes more. Then we pull up to the business, a huge warehouse for machines. I take a deep breath, and look over at Franks. I nod and we grab our guns and start to stealth into the building. We notice a lot of guards in the first room, I point to a large forklift and mike ran to hide behind it, I ran behind a pole. I take another breath, were gonna have a lot of paper work after this. I look at mike and he nods, I set my gun so does he. We jump out and start shooting. The guys notice us and return fire. I just keep me head ducked and hid behind the pole and made my shots count. I had like ten more magazines in my pocket, incase. When the dust had cleared, me and Mike were just fine.

    "Damn, we did good!" He said

    "Haha yeah" I laugh

We hear shouting and we set up our guns again and continue into the building. We were shot at by at least ten more guys. We found machines to stay behind to shoot from. In about 3 minutes, They where all dead. I just looked at Mike and we walked to the next room. I heard someone talking in Hebrew I stopped Franks, I cracked open the door and saw two men yelling at each other. I slid in the door and so did Mike we hid behind the desk. I had a short flashback to when I was kidnaped. Then I heard one leave the room, and shout in English.

   "I'm killing them"

    I point the gun towards the one who looked like David Delacruz. I shot him in the head and Abraham Stewart ran in and started looking for us. Mike had ran behind the door and he grabbed Abraham around his neck.

    "Where are they" he growls in his ear.

I hustled over to them,

     "You'll NEVER find out" He coughed

  I rolled my eyes as Mike released him and I cuffed him. I hooked him to another pair of cuffs and locked him to a desk.

    "Sit, stay" I joked

We ran into a back storage room and they were okay! My team was fine! I almost started crying I was so happy. We ran in the room and untied them. They all hugged us. I happened to turn around and there stood Abraham in the door way with a gun.

I put my hand on my gun but it was to late the last thing I remember was two gun shots.

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