New Guy Brent

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Lexi's POV.

I woke back up in the hospital, then I carefully looked over at the clock. It was 3 in the afternoon. I stretched out and yawned. Then I picked up my phone and called Gibbs. As soon as I hit call, In walked Gibbs.

"How- never mind" I mumble

"How you doing kid" he asks me

I look Straight into his eyes,

"Bored to death, can I come back soon?" I say

"Three days" Gibbs finishes

I roll my eyes and slump back into my pillow. Gibbs walks over to me and hands me a coffee, and walks out.

"Thanks" I smile

I saw Gibbs had turned the wrong way, so I snuck out and followed him. He took a right turn and stopped at room 421. After he went in I ran to the door and cracked it open just enough to hear. I heard some small talk and it was Gibbs and a woman. Then I was starring at the ground listening in,


I jumped like 5 feet,

"Gibbs! If I had a gun I would have shot you!" I tell him

"But you didn't have a gun" he replies smart ass like.

I felt all weird because I was caught ease dropping.

"Alex meet Jenny, Jenny meet Alex" Gibbs introduces us

I smile at Jenny and tell her hi.

"Hello my dear" she replies back.

"Now, back to bed!" Gibbs demands.

Ugh fine, I roll my eyes and walked back down the hallway. I sat back in bed and drank my coffee.

McGee's POV.

I was alone in the bullpen, Tony and Ziva are in Italy, Lexi is in the hospital and Gibbs I visiting her. I am just finishing up paperwork and letting my computer update.

"McGee, McGee, McGee" Abby wined

I looked towards the entree to the bullpen. Abby came running towards me.

"I miss them so much" she continued as she hugged my shoulder.

"Abby I'm here still, Gibbs will be back soon" I try to tell her.

Just like it was magic Gibbs came waking in.

"Got something for me abbs?" He asks

"Yes" she answers

Then she runs over to him and hugs him. I smile, and turn back to my paperwork. Ah Abby, I love her so much, she's the only person that I really have loved. All my other girlfriends or dates, turn out to be murders, or a suspect in our investigations.

"Abby" the director spoke out

I popped my head up to see what's going on,

"Meet your new assistant, Brent Goodrich"

Abby's face right away dropped and frowned.

"Hello Abigail Sciuto, I'm very pleased to meet you, you are so beautiful" Brent rambled on

He was the compete package! Tall, blond, sexy voice, perfect. Then there's me. I just sat at my desk ignoring them. I glanced at Abby again she was smiling and laughing with this guy. I was so mad and sad I wanted Abby to love me. Brent and Abby headed down to the lab.

"Lets go McGee, dead marine" Gibbs told me

I grabbed my gear, and walked to the elevator. I was now sad, but I know how to act normal. I headed to the car.

When we got to the scene, which was a wooded area, I was doing almost everything. Ducky and Jimmy were taking the body to the truck and back to autopsy. I was collecting all the evidence and taking pictures, meanwhile Gibbs was interviewing the wife.

I started looking around and I noticed that there bed was angled. I looked under the bed and one of the legs was on a lockbox. I pulled it out and used a paperclip to pick it open, when I opened there was a lot of money in it. I snapped pictures of it and moved the money around a little and found a coded note and a USB flashdrive. I walked into the other room and told Gibbs what I found. Then I took the box to the car, to take back to Abby, and her new friend. Grr.

Back at NCIS I went and got Abby a Cafpow and brought down the lockbox.

"Hey Abby" I announce

There was no answer,

"Abby!" I raised my voice

We were only gone for about two hours! What could have happened.

"Oh hi McGee" I hear Abby whisper

I took a breath.

"Are you okay,?" I ask

She shakes her head and starts crying. I run over to her,

"What's wrong?" I question

"I can't tell you" she mumbles

She was leaning against her desk and I was now also sitting next to her.

"It will make you fell better, and where's your Brent?" I say slowly

She turned away from me,

"I don't know." She whispered

I sighed and looked at her.

"Abbs, please" I beg

"No, just drop it!" She raises her voice

She stands up and walks to the box and goes to work. I sat there watching her she still had tears running down her face and her face was red from crying.

I slowly walked out of the lab, because I didn't want to upset her more from bothering her to much.

Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now