Bombs and Bad Guys

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(This was the day after there Fun filled night in part 11 BTW)

Ziva's POV

When me and Tony got to the NCIS building. I met up with Diane Weathers.

"Ziva David and Tony DiNozzo" I introduced ourselves

"Diane Weathers, Jack Nickels, and Rob Emerson" Diane welcomed us.

"Sergio Dweller is in east Italy, Venice to be exact, we tracked him to a small town there, address is on your GPS." Diane explained.

We grabbed our stuff and headed out to the cars. Tony and I drove our rental car, I felt awkward from last night, so I just kept starring out the window. I breathed I deep sigh, I really do love Tony, and I'm pretty sure he loves me, but I'm scared.
I understand rule twelve a lot now, if you put you life on the line for this person, but you also love each other, one day you might have to see your lover, get killed. The woman or man you have cared for, made love to, or even possibly married, could be taken from you in a heart beat. I know now that that's the reason for rule twelve. Through me thinking this, I didn't notice that a few tears ran down my cheek. Tony I guess had noticed because he pulled over and carefully put his hand on my thigh.

"What's wrong Zi?" He asked me

I gave him a smile

"Just thinking," I answered

"Ziva-" he breathed

I gave up and told him what I was thinking. I felt like I could trust him with anything any of my problems.

"I can't, don't want to lose you Tony" I mumble

"You won't Zi," he tells me

"You can't know that! You could die today!" I yell

Tony wiped my check and placed a kiss on my lips,

"I will always love you" he whispered into my ears.

He starts up the car again and we drove to the meet up address 5 blocks from the hide out of Sergio's. When we all met up, we suited up with bullet proof vests and we got all of our stuff ready. Then we set out, I cleared my head and I was ready to take Sergio down and back to Washington DC. Me and Tony were the second ones in Jack and Rob were the first two in and Diane was last. We made out way in the downstairs and up stairs was clear. I heard movement in the basement.

"There is someone in the basement" I tell the others.

They walk over to the door and we walk in, there was a staircase and then another door. We huddled down the stairs and then slowly Jack went to open the door.

"Stop" I warned

I saw there was wires running along the door, it was a bomb. It was going to go off if someone walks in or out. I explained this to them. We slowly walked up the stairs.

"We can't let him escape" Diane mumbled

"I'll call bomb disposal" Rob mentions

I take a deep breath

"No it will take to long. You guys go, i'll disable it and call you" I say

The rest of them walked out except Tony.

"We will die together or live till another day" he tells me.

I wanted to push him out of here, I don't want to kill him, also.

I start looking at the wires, the bomb was on our side of the door. I used a screwdriver to opened the front panel. There was tons of trip wires, The Different colors were confusing me. I thought back to Mossad, I have diffused so many bombs before, I can do this. I found that it was also on a timer. It had 30 minutes left. What ever Sergio is planing to do its in that Time period he's not getting out of here alive.

"Tony, Go I may not make it" I demand

"No I'll help, what do you need?" He persistently told me

"Only one man down range!" I quoted.

He just stood there, he wasn't going anywhere and I don't have time to wast. I knew that Sergio was down there, and I knew that he knew we where here.

"Sergio please talk to us" I started.

"Go away!" He screamed

He had a accent that I knew. Israeli.

I told him to please tell us how to diffuse the bomb

"איך אנחנו לנטרל את הפצצה"

"אף פעם לא חולה יגיד לך, לך מפה!"

That I translated to

"i'll never tell you, GO AWAY!"

I started on the bomb and I found the kill wire. I cut the kill wire, I saw Tony he flinched when I cut it.

"It's diffused" I called the others

Then when we met back up we stormed into the room and took down Sergio. Tony threw cuffs on him, and I looked through his computer. He had plans on to kill thousands of marines, and he had names of ships to attack.

Diane and Tony took Sergio outside to our car. We will transport him to Washington DC. to be sentenced. I collected all the evidence with Rob and Jack.


Are plane is landing. We have Sergio in cuffs with us, I called Gibbs to let him know.

"Hey I have to pee!" Sergio demands

Tony glanced at me, I glared back as to say In your dreams! Tony got up and dragged him to the bathroom.

Tonys POV.

I un-cuffed him and threw him in the restroom.

*5* minutes later

Out flight just landed

"SERGIO!" I yelled and pounded on the door.

Ziva looked out the window and saw Sergio running from the landing runway. I broke In the door and the toilet had been removed and he snuck through the bottom of the plain.

"This is just like the movie Catch Me If You Can! Where Leonardo DiCaprio plays Frank Abagnale Jr a check fraudulent, and is hunted down by Tom hanks! We're like Tom hanks!" I explained

"Tony!" Ziva yelled

Oh yeah, we grabbed our guns and started running after Sergio.

"Sergio stop running!" Ziva yells. He is about to be stopped by a really large fence.

"Never!" He screamed and started climbing the fence. We walked over to him and pulled him down.

"Come on, nice try!" I said.

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