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"Now before I was interrupted, I was going to find my team" I state

Leon looked at Mike and told him something. Then the director walked away.

"Gibbs is missin'?" Mike asks

"My WHOLE team is! now move!" I shout

He just simply laughed

"Who are they? We're are they? How are you going to take them down?" He questions me

I think about it.. I don't know anything. I shrug my shoulder, and gave in. I had the last note in my hand, I gave up on being strong.... I broke down in front of Mike.

"I don't want to have to say goodbye anymore!" I mumble thought my tears

"What's eatin you" Franks asks me

I explain everything about my parents, school, and what this team, no my family, means to me.

"By what I hear your a strong girl. Now lets go find some information" he tells me and holds out his hand.

"Your going to help me?" I say surprised

He gives me a "yeah" look and I start typing on my computer. He sits down at Gibbs desk and stares at me.

"What?" I ask

"We'll you're the agent.." He tells me

I stop short, I am in charge that just hit me. I take a breath, I can't screw this up!

"Phone records" I state

He nods and continues on, I check my apartment tapes to see if the guy who left Sara Macy's body got on tape.

"YES!!" I shout "this guy is the worst murder ever!"

I pull up the tape on the big screen, you can see him stab her, pour the chemicals on her body then, he stares in to the camera. He wanted to be found! That bastard!

" Running his face now" Mike pipes up.

I sit back down, I already have my gear ready. About fifteen minutes in a beep when's off

"Abraham Stewart" Mike passed on

I looked up his name, Israeli. he owns a house and a business he sales machines. I look at Mike and he nods, we grab our gear and head to his house first, He dives.

We pull up to his address, the houses looked like a dump, the windows were covered with black bags and the door was almost off the hinges. We took out our guns and continued on, we walked in the door carefully. The house was clear. I decided to look for clues on this guy and do a psych profile on him.

Middle Aged guy, single, Israeli, no kids, no pets, none to care about. Fits the profile for a murder, none to hurt if he gets killed or inprisoned.

I found his computer, ugh password protected!

"Any ideas here?" I ask mike

"Try password" He suggests

"This is a murder, or terrorist! He's not going to uses password as his password!" I tell him.

Mike walks over and types password in the box. It turns red, then he types password1234. I roll my eyes, as soon as I look at the laptop it's starting up.

"How'd you do that" I question

"Magic" he jokes and waves his hands

I start looking for emails, they were not even touched. Most were just like adds but there were 57 emails from a David Delacruz.

The emails talked about NCIS, Gibbs, Ziva, and my team.

I pulled out of my boot a flash drive and saved the emails to them. And on the last email I opened had the location that David and Abraham are holding my team. I scribbled down the address and Mike and I left for there.

Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now