Bad Day

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Trigger Warning!

    Gibbs POV

    "He, Raped me" she finishes

Then she broke down in tears again. I ran over and hugged her, my heart dropped, and I was so furious!

    "Shh its better I'm here" I tell her

    "NO IT WON'T, the memory won't go away!" She crys out.

   I just sat there and hugged her, I held Abby in my arms. Then I saw McGee he woke up when she screamed. I looked at McGee and gave him a i'll explain look, he walked over to Abby and stood next to her.   

     "McGee I'm sorry to wake you" Abby cried

     "It's fine" he replied

Then Abby curled up in the blanket. And started to calm down. I looked at my poor Abbs. I was going to hunt down that Brent and kill him.

    "We will be right back" I tell her

She nods slowly and McGee and I walk outside.

      "What happened boss" McGee asks

     "Brent, he raped her" I say

I saw McGee get upset fast when I told him.

  I recollected myself and walked back into her room. Abby fell back asleep. I yawed and took another sip of coffee. I leaned down and kissed Abby's head.

     "Go home McGee" I say

McGee looks all scared and he just stands there.

    "Boss, what if Brent comes back?" He asks

    "Okay fine stay" I reply

Then I walk out and head home because I need sleep because I haven't sleep for 3 days. 

  I walked out of the hospital and went into my car,

    "Abbs," I breathed out

I got to my house and I lay down.

     Lexi's POV.

I woke up back in my Hospital bed. I looked at my phone and a stupid reminder came up on my phone.    *parents rescheduled funeral*

    I took a deep breath, just stay calm don't cry. I reminded myself, they had to prospone from last month because of new evidence. I swallowed and took another breath.

Their funeral is in 6 days. That's when Gibbs, and my whole team will see me weak. I grabbed my headphones and turned on some music by the Headstones "Neverland"

   "It's a long way to Neverland, and I'm dying to shoot em down for good" I Sang along

As you can see, the headstones are my favorite band! I love them so much, mostly Hugh Dillion. He's just so awesome! I decided to also text Abby since I was bored stuck in this hospital.

   Lexi: hey Abby I'm so bored! Help

  Abby: oh hi... Lex... :'(

L: OMG Abby ways wrong!

A: I'm... In the hospital also....


A: can you come to room 118?

L: yes ill be there ASAP!

A: ok

    What! Abby's hurt! I stood up and I didn't even hurt from where the Bullet was. I walked down to her room and walked in. I saw McGee sitting in a chair. He looked up at me.

    "Lexi! Are-" he started

   "I'm fine, here to see Abby" I finished

He understood and he got up and walked outside the door.

     "Abby what happened!?" I ask

She took a deep breath and showed me her arm.

I knew what she had done,

    " l know, what it's like" I tell her

She looked away and shook her head no .

    "Yes Abby I have cut before." I say

This got her attention, she looks all surprised that me a girl who seams so happy, has gone through this.

    "I have, mostly because of school, and then my mom and dad." I explained

I sat down next to her, and looked into her eyes and asked a simple question.


    She took a moment and then explained what had happened to her, when she finished I reached over and gave her a big hug. I knew she has probably gotten a lot of hugs, but I needed to. Then McGee walked back in with my doctor. Who specifically told me to stay in bed. Oops.

   He looked down at me.

I smiled up at him

  "Hi, what's up, that shirt looks so good on you, was Walmart having a sale?" I joked

  He rolled his eyes

    "Bed, now!" He demanded

   "That's how you like, not even foreplay!?" I tossed back

Abby and McGee laughed tried not to laugh at that but snickers came out.

    "Little missy" he growled

   "Yes" I asked all innocent

I batted my eyes just for extra help.

    "BED, NOW!" He yelled

   "Fine, but you have to wait till I'm 18, big boy" I said back

I winked at him and walked out. Then I  heard McGee and Abby start cracking up. I smiled and walked back into my room and turned back on my music. I soon fell asleep, I felt accomplished that I helped Abby smile after her bad two days.

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