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After our test were taken, they said that DiNozzo and Ziva were okay first. They had to catch their flight, so Gibbs told them to leave to Italy and meet up with a team there.

   "Gibbs I'm not leaving until you are all cleared okay"  Tony says

    "Leave DiNozzo." Gibbs bosses

Tony was staring at me, he knows I've been coughing and getting sick.

   "Tony, I'm fine, go to Italy" I tell him

He sighed, Then walked over to me.

    "You are like my little sister, I don't want you to get hurt" Tony admitted

I was flattered that he cared for me like that, but I don't need that help.

    "Thanks Tony, but we need Sergio, so go" I remind him

I could see Ziva in the door way watching Tony talk with me, she was smiling. Tony then got up and walked out with Ziva. Gibbs, McGee, and I were left in the autopsy room.

   It felt like hours before Ducky came down and wanted to talk to Gibbs. The walked out of autopsy, into the hallway. I could still read there lips, it was kinda hard. All I cough was "it's like Tony" "who did this" and "ill call hazmat, and the hospital". Oh no, what was that poison? I waited for Ducky and Gibbs to head upstairs then I jumped on the computer. I looked up "Tony DiNozzo" and read his file. I found out that Tony had y-pestis. Was that what the poison is? I sat back down on the autopsy table.

    "McGee, do you know anything" I asked

   "As much as you, I think" he replied

I just sat there and curled up my legs. I want to know what happened.

   About 16 minutes later Gibbs came back down.

    "McGee go upstairs" Gibbs told him

Then after he left, Gibbs looked at me, he breathed.

    "Lexi," Gibbs began

    "Is the poison Y-Pestis?" I cut him off

It took him a few to answer. Gibbs then nodded a yes, I was infected with this.

   "How'd you know" he questioned me

    "I read lips" I half joked and half cried out.

I stayed as calm as I could, I don't want Gibbs to see me weak. I'm a strong, capable agent. I cannot have weaknesses.

   "When's hazmat coming?" I ask

   "Soon" he replies

Then just as he said that there's a knock on the door, there here.

   "Who's the one infected" a guy questions

  "He is" I shout out

I quickly pointed to Gibbs,

   "No just joking, I'm your lab rat" I add in

Gibbs walks over to me and hugs me, then he lightly head slaps me.

    "Your just like DiNozzo" he informs me.

I hug him back then I'm taken into a car, to go be picked and poked at. Great.

Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now