I Knew You Were Trouble

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Warning... This could be triggering...... 


  Abby's POV.

After McGee left my lab, I looked at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath and tried not to cry again, but it didn't help. I started crying again, I grabbed a little shiny blade from under my keyboard. Then I slit my wrists, I cut about ten diagonal lines on my wrists, pretty deep. My blood ran down my arm, I just want to forget about this afternoon. It won't go away, it just won't. I got mad at myself because the memory won't go away! So I cut about 7 more lines, and my arm was really bloody bye now.

   "There, it's a little better" I tell myself

Then I take a paper towel and wipe my arm down then hide it under other trash. I covered my scratches with some bracelets. Then I started looking at the flash-drive I got for evidence.

Just the normal work spreadsheets, random emails from work everything a normal navy lieutenant should have. Then I came across a couple video links. I clicked on them and they were messages like the message on the paper that was also in the lockbox.

   I watched the first video and started decoding the words. It was instructions on how to build a dirty bomb, and a large one at that fact.

  I took a breath and in walked Gibbs. Then I explained all that I found to him, but I forgot to relook at my new cuts and there was blood running down my hand. Gibbs saw this and he grabbed my hand.

   "Abby!" He shouted

Then he pulled off my bracelets, and gave me one of his famous Gibbs looks, but he looked really sad.

   "Where is it" he asks

I bit my lip and decided to play dumb.

  "Where's what!?" I shout

  "The damn blade!" Gibbs shouts back.

I look down at the ground and grab it from behind the keyboard, I put it in Gibbs hand.

    "Ah Abbs, what's wrong, why?" He questions

   "I can't tell you Gibbs" I say

Gibbs pulls up a seat next to me, and looks right in my eyes. That made me lose it and I started crying again.

   "I can't" I mumble.

Then McGee walks back In. He saw me crying and my really bloody wrist. He ran over,  Gibbs told him to sit. I looked at McGee and he was all sad also.

I didn't want them to see me like this anymore and so I ran off into... The place ... A closet. I cringed and sat on a bucket. Locked the door, and started remembering earlier. I continued crying and remembered that I have a blade in here to. I found it and cut a lot more and I just wanted to die after today. I don't want to live like this. I sliced my wrist on my vane. I ran the blade really deeply in the vane. Then Gibbs broke the door open.

     "Damn it Abby!" He yelled

He ran over to me and grabbed the blade again from my hand. I felt really light headed, then I passed out.

    Gibbs POV.

I threw the blade on the ground and when Abby fainted I picked her up and carried her out of the closet and McGee called an ambulance. They got here and hooked her up to fluids. Me and McGee jumped in the back and rid with her. I've been in the hospital so much lately, I hope this is the last agent or person I have to take and visit for awhile. I looked at Abby's wrist and I could see that there was evidence of this been going on for awhile, there was light white scars up her arm. McGee was racking his mind thinking of what could have happened.

    "Where is Brent?" I ask McGee

   "I don't know Abby said he left" I respond.

We finally got to the hospital and me and McGee was going to wait till she woke up to ask her.

    "McGee go see Lexi, room 280." I say

   "Alright boss" he answers.

I hand him two coffees on for him and one for Lexi. Then when he walked out I took a breath.

I pulled out a cafpow for Abby and sat it next to her. I kinda smiled, Abby and her cafPow. Then I walked down to Jenny's room dropped off her coffee, chatted awhile and went back to Abby.

     *two hours later*

McGee was asleep in a chair and Abby was still passed out.

     "Gibbs where am I?" Abby asks

I looked towards her, and lifted her arm up.

    "Oh" she whispered

   "Abby, please, tell me why" I beg

She took a moment to find herself and to get the strength to tell me

   "Brent, he- he," she started to say

   "Brent what?" I ask

    "He...." She continued

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