Life Sucks Sometimes

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Lexis POV. 

   "I have to get out of here!" I say

Gibbs looks towards me,

   "Why" he asks

The people are my mom's parents, my grandparents. When I was 8 I had to stay the summer at their house, because my parents had a business trip. My grandfather was always getting mad at me and he started to hit me. When my parents came back to get me, I had bruises all over me. My mom, I guess got a restraining order on them. I haven't seen them since then.  I explained all of this to Gibbs.

     "I will protect you" Gibbs told me.

I nodded, and sat down. 

Then the funeral started.


I got up to see my parents, it was a open casket, I grabbed from my pocket there wedding rings. I laid the box in there. I couldn't hold my tears back. I started crying, I felt someone touch my back. It was Gibbs.

     "I'm sorry" I whisper

   "Why? And rule 6" He asks

   "Because I'm crying" I tell him

He kissed my head, I remember my dad did that all the time.

   "It is perfectly fine" he whispered

The funeral ended and I was with my family. They were hugging me,

    "YOU!" My grandfather yelled

I flinched at his voice. I can still remember his fists hitting me.

   "You killed them! You worthless piece of shit" he was up in my face.

   He grabbed my shirt, ready to punch me. I turned my face away and closed my eyes.

    "Don't you touch her!" I heard Gibbs yell

I felt the grip in my shirt release, I opened my eyes. Gibbs had pushed him off of me.

    "She's my grandchild! I'm taking her!" He yelled

I freaked, he can't take me. I got up to run, But my grandmother grabbed my arms. I can't live like this again! I fought back, and ran. I don't know where.


I ended up in some forest. I was lost, and I fell in the mud like three times. I started crying again. I had no idea where I was, I hated my grandparents so much. There was a tree that fell over on it's side. I sat down on it, I felt something in my pocket. It was my phone! I forgot I had it, I called Gibbs.

    "Lexi!" He yelled

   "I'm lost Gibbs, I don't know where I am, I'm in a forest" I told him.

I knew that McGee was tracking my phone number so I just stayed on the line.

    "I'll be there soon, don't move" he said

Then he hung up, I felt all alone. I just hope I don't have to live with my grandfather and mother. I wiped my tears away and started singing The headstones "F you".

     Gibbs walked up on me in like 15 minutes.

    "Lets go, you look like a mess" he told me

   "Oh thanks!" I joked

He laughed and reached out his hand. We got to his car and started to drive back.

   "Where are my grandparents" I question

He took a moment, and he sighed.

   "At NCIS" he hesitated.

I looked at him all scared.

   "They're right, you have to go with them" Gibbs explained

   "NO!" I screamed

I will jump out of this car, I'm never going with them. How could Gibbs just make me go with them! I was all mad. He just pulled me in so I couldn't run.

    "Gibbs I told you what he did to me" I cry

   "I know that's why I'm getting a lawyer" he went on

I calmed down and we walked in together. My whole team hugged me again when I met up with them, then I had to go to the conference room.

    My grandfather glared at me when I walked in. I was alone, scared, and freaking out.

    "You little" he grabbed me again

He pushed me up against the wall. He held me in a choke hold, I couldn't breath. My fight or flight kicked in, I kicked him in the crotch. I took a breath and ran for the door. He grabbed my arm, I screamed. He punched my in the face and I fell to the ground. He kicked my stomach, I screamed again. Then Gibbs ran through the doors, he saw me on the ground being beat.

        He pushed my grandfather away, and helped me up. He took me into the hall to Ziva. Then he walked back into the room.

     Ziva took me down to Ducky.

    Gibbs POV.

I walked back into the room. I pushed Lexi's grandfather against the wall,

    "How do you like that?!" I yell

I let him go. The county cops took them into custody.

  I ran down to Lexi, I freaked out when she was laying there. I thought she was dead for a second.

    "You feel okay" I ask

   "No" she crys

   Ducky put a ice pack on her stomach. It was already swollen. I sat next to her. Then I noticed her bracelets, they were just like when I found Abby cutting. I pulled them off, and Lexi had cuts in her wrists also.

   "Lexi why?"

   "Life sucks sometimes" she responded.

I leaned down and kissed her fore head.

    "It's going to be better little girl" I whispered.

She nodded yes, and I walked away to go check on my team.

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