I Love You

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We drank our champaign and then finished our movie witch was a good movie but I didn't recognize it. But it was entertaining, my favorite part was the romantic kissing scene. I glanced over at Tony at this part and he threw some popcorn in his mouth and glanced at me. He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and continued watching the movie.

Later after the movie ended I started cleaning up our mess. There was a pizza box and two bowls of popcorn. I started to pick this stuff up and Tony came waltzing in with a robe on but he "forgot" to tie the front. I glanced at him I looked away fast. I felt this strange rush come over me and my stomach got a good feeling.

    "Tony you forgot something" I said

He laughed

    "You don't like miss David?" he asks

    "You know I do" I whisper

Me and Tony have a very open relationship we really care for each other, and we have hooked up in Paris, and when we were undercover. A few other times also, but because of rule twelve, we don't really date. He walked over to me in the kitchen.

    "The trash can wait" he takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom.

Then our lips meet I close my eyes,

    "We're so dead about rule twelve" I whisper in between a kiss.

   "Screw it" Tony says

I nod.

Our lips stay together and we start making out. Tony puts his hands on my face and he continues into my hair his fingers run through my hair. He held my waist with one hand and stroked through my hair with the other then his hands met up. I ran my hand up and down his perfect chest. Tony pulled on my hair carefully just enough to deepen the kiss, and to make a moan escape my mouth.

    Tony reached for my bra strap and unhooked it. I pulled off my shirt and sweats and then we fell on to the bed.

    "I love you Ziva" he whispered.

    "I love you too Tony" I replied

We continued kissing. Then he left my mouth and he kissed down my stomach.

   "Please Tony" I acknowledge

  Then he pulled off my underwear and kissed my stomach back up to my neck.

     *The next morning*

   I awoke from my sleep and I was still wrapped up in Tony. His hands were around me and I was laying on his chest. I looked at the time on my phone. 9 am! Crap, then I noticed the 8 missed calls from Gibbs, 5 from McGee, and 4 from Lexi.

    "Tony, we over slept" I announce

    "What- hm?" He mumbles.

His eyes open, he stretches out. He slowly gets out of bed, and walks into the bathroom. We are both still naked from the night before. I focused my eyes and called Gibbs.

    "Ziva David you had me worried sick!" Gibbs begins

    "Sorry we overslept" I said

   "As long as you two are okay" he continues

   "Yes we're fine, were going to meet special agent Diane Weathers in a half hour" I conform

     "Double time, David" Gibbs finishes then hangs up.

I sit my phone down and I started reliving last night, I closed my eyes and bit my lip so I didn't moan. Then a really cheesy smile hit my face. I'm so tired since it was only a few hours ago when we really fell asleep. I touched my lips, ah.

    "You ready my lady" Tony walks out of the bathroom

He all dressed and ready to go.

    "Tony! I'm naked" I state

    "Okay, works for me" he sexily says

I rolled my eyes

    "If your lucky, really lucky" I say.

   He smiles and points his hand into the bathroom. I stand up and walk to him, place a kiss on his cheek and closed the door.  Then I got on a brown tee-shirt and blue jeans. Run a brush through my hair, and tie my hair back. Put on light eye shadow and mascara. Then I walk out of the bathroom, and me and Tony leave for the NCIS building in Italy to meet with our "team" and to track down Sergio.

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