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Gibbs POV

When I when into the lab, I saw it was pitch black and none was in there.

   "Abby!" I scream

I hear a bang like pans hitting the ground, I run out of the lab and to the back stairs. Then I notice at my feet another note. I felt my heart drop, I picked it up it read.

   'Hello Leroy, I'm going to call you Leroy I like that. So now I have three of you team members. Which means I have three more, not including you. Which you Leroy, are my grand finale. Oh and I'm not going to hurt them, yet. Enjoy my game Leroy.'

   I bite my lip, I need to find that bastard now! I decide to go inform the director and McGee, Ducky, and Jimmy.

   "I'll put out a bolo" McGee tells me

I have the last of my team and the director in the bullpen. We're deciding what to do next.

    "McGee track their" I begin

   "Cellphones, on it" McGee finishes my sentence

I call the navy chambers to check up on Lexi and tell them to watch out. I step into the elevator to talk with the doctors there.

   "How is she" I ask

   "Gibbs we need you to get down here now" a doctor tells me.

My mind starts to race, what If she's dead or the guy got her...I race down there.

    "Gibbs your here!" a doctor who looks familiar recognizes me

   "I'm doctor Brad Pitt" he reminds me

Then a flashback of Tony comes to mind... Him and Kate in the same place, Tony had the same thing.

   "How is she" I ask again.

   "The y-pistes was fake" Brad tells me

I'm confused, fake how is it fake?

    "When normal tests are done, it looks like y-pistes. When more intense tests are done, we have found it fake, Lexi is fine. It was used as a distraction" Brad explains.

Just then Lexi walks out,

    "Hey Gibbs" she blurts out

I look at Lexi and then to Brad.

   "Thanks Brad see you later" I say

Lexi walk out of the chambers with me, I plan to tell her when we get back. I'm just hoping that everyone's still there when I get back.

   We walk in to the bull pen, I saw that the team noticed Lexi. I paused there questions and explained what Brad had to me. The had a bitter sweet look on there faces. I sighed.

   "I'm gonna go get my notepad" McGee announces

Lexi was sleeping and I still hadn't told her about Ziva, Tony, or Abby.

I don't know how, I know she's a investigator. But when I look at her I see Kelly. A lot of Kelly and I fell like, I need to protect Lexi from the truth sometimes.

  *bang, bang*

A gun went off, Lexi shot strait up,

   "Stay here" I tell her

I run off towards the stairs, and there was another note. This one was next to McGee's gun.

   'Hello again Leroy, I got all of your team except that little prick of a girl Lexi but she's to young, and she's not going to take down me. So you are the only one left'

I felt my stomach drop. As soon as I finished reading the note, my world went black, a bag was thrown over my head, and I was knocked out.

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