Four Months Later

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Asia Pov
The kids have been with their dad since Skylar ole dumb ass still in the hospital. I didn't have to stay at their dad house with them cuz they no they have nothing to be scared of.

Alonzo Pov
The twins have been with me ever since the day they came ova with Asia and after Skylar got admitted into the hospital. If I knew that Skylar was gonna start all this drama between my family and I, I would've never got wit her nor got her pregnant.
Aj, Niya, and I was watching TV when I gotta call from the hospital.

Phone Convo

Hospital: Hello may I speak with Mr. Alonzo this is nurse Yasmine

Lonzo: This is him wats rong do I need to get there is something rong with the baby.

Yasmine: There's nothing wrong with the baby but we are going to have to do an emergency sensation.

Lonzo: Ok I'm on my way now.

End Of Convo

I called Asia and told her to meet me at the hospital.

Phone Convo

Lonzo: Asia meet me at the hospital like now. The twins and I are good Skylar bout to have the baby.

Asia: Ite I'm on my way to see my baby cuz she ain't keeping her.

End Of Convo

Asia and Skylar need to chill with tryna take each others babies.

Skylar Pov

They told me I had to have an emergency sensation but I didn't even no the sex of my baby so Imma ask the nurse if she can tell me.

"Excuse me Nurse Yasmine can u tell me the sex of my baby real quick" I said tryna be nice. "Yes wait one moment while I get the results" she said nicely.

She came back with the results and said "I hope your wishes came true cuz u having a baby GIRL.

"YES!!! My wishes came true I always wanted a girl. But where is my man" I said slightly frightened.

" I just got off the phone with him he on his way" Yasmine said reassuring me that everything was ok.

Alonzo Pov
I got the kids shoes on after I got off the phone with Asia and sped to the hospital but not too fast though cuz the kids was in the car.

I got to the hospital and found Asia. I pick up Niya and she pick up Aj and we ran to Skylar room. We got to Skylar room and the nurse looked at me and said " Oh hell nah I no u ain't cheat on Asia and get dis big dick sucking bitch pregnant I hope dis baby ok and that Asia get custody of her damn baby it's a damn shame how u done went and fucked ya Nanny" Yasmine said pissed tf off.

"Yo u needa shut the fuck up cuz ain't nobody cheat on Asia we broke up" I said mad as fuck. " Umm did I hear u say u didn't cheat on me" Asia said coming out of the shadows. "Yea I said I didn't cheat on u" I said realizing I did cheat on her.

"Never mind I forgot I did cheat on u but I was tryna get pass that" I said hoping that she wouldn't slap me. "O Tru but the doctor is waiting for Skylar so Yasmine help me with the bed" Asia said.
Yasmine did as asked and afterwards they came back to the room. Yasmine whispered something in Asia's ear.

"What did u say cuz I don't want to be talked about when I'm rite here and u can just be straight up. " I said that she need to get revenge on Skylar for taking her man away from her and for tryna take her kids away from her but she talking bout she just gon let time play itself out" Yasmine said mad as fuck.

" Yasmine she rite we don't need nomo drama and if she needs u I'll make sure I call u first" I said hugging both of them.

I got up and went in the operating room to see my new baby girl. I named her Skylyn Amarie Delgoto. After I cut the umbilical cord they took Skylyn to get washed off, her air ways cleared and got her weight and length.

after they took the baby to the baby intensive care unit I went to get Asia the twins and Yasmine to see the baby.

Asia Pov
Lonzo took us to the baby that will soon be mines and I had to say she was to beautiful to be that whore's baby.

I walked to lonzo who was holding the baby and I took her outta his arms and into mines and I held her. While I was holding her my baby in my belly was moving happily. I think I'm having a Girl but Ion no cuz I'm waiting til the baby shower to find out which is next month.

Yasmine told me I looked lik a happy mommy and gon be even happier wen my baby gets here. I think Imma end up getting my man back and I think Aj gon need him around more cuz he starting to act lik a lil bad ass and that shit gotta change real quick or Imma be in jail some where cuz I don't handle bad ass kids well.

Imma have to talk to Lonzo bout this later cuz this shit needa be said foe sum real bad shit happens.

I was still holding Skylyn wen Skylar woke up and she was heated.

Skylar Pov
When I woke up from the meds they gave me during and after my sensation to Asia holding my goddamn baby like she was her baby like bitch I don't like u so why tf u here. "Lonzo why u got this Bitch holding my baby" I said mad as fuck.

"Cuz she wanted to hold her like why u acting like that. She let u be round her kids and shit and u gon act like she gon kill yo baby chill wit dat shit foe u make me take my child from u. U tripping ova her holding the baby and u done told her kids they won't going back to her and u still be round them so shut that shit up and be happy with our baby being here. Oh and by the way Asia Skylyn's godmother" Lonzo said smirking.

"No tf she not cuz Jakiya my baby's godmother so y'all can shut that shit down rite now" I said fearrously. Like how could he make a decision like that without me.

"Look y'all shouldn't be fussing around her she gotta go through enough as it is cuz she a peremptory baby so Jakiya can be Skylyn's godmother it's good" Asia said calming ever thing down.

"But lonzo u no u only doing this to make me jealous" I said still mad. "Ok Skylar" Lonzo said letting it go and walked off. And then I told Asia to give me my baby and get her kids and get the fuck out with her pregnant ass.

Asia Pov
I left the hospital cuz Skylar was acting like an ass and instead of acting like an ass with her I just left cuz the baby didn't needa hear all of that fussing her first day in this world but trust me Skylar will get hers.

I went and found Lonzo cuz the kids wanted to stay with him. I told him that Skylar kicked me out the room and I didn't want to fuss with her so I left and I could tell that it made his blood boil.

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