Family Day

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Asia and tha Twins outfit in tha mm

I woke up at 6 o'clock and took a thirty minute shower wrapped myself in a towel and walked in my room. I walked to my closet and pulled out my pink and blue underwear set. Then I pulled out some hello kitty sweatpants and a wife beater.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to fix breakfast, I fixed eggs, bacon, with a side of fruit.

Aj Pov
I wok up et 7 w'clock and a shower wor wirdty minutes. I dried off and put on me lastkang boxers and some sweatpants and walked downstairs. I sat et tha table and mommy made me bate.

Aniyah Pov
Me wok up adter Aj and went to me bathroom and took a tweny minute shower. I dried myself off and pit on my panties and some frozen sweatpants and a wife beater.

I walked downstairs and sit and table and mommy fix my bate.

Asia Pov
I fixed Aj and Niya plates then mine. We ate and then they helped me put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Mommy I want to go to tha mall" Niya said with her hands on her hips. "Ok but first we gotta change cuz we look a hot mess" I said giggling.

I put on my clothes and put my hair in a high bun. Then I went to Niya's room and flat ironed her hair bone straight an put a gray bandana around her head. And since she had already put her clothes on I helped her with her shoes.

Then I went in Aj room and he was not in there so we went downstairs and he was waiting for us looking just like his daddy.

I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse. I was about to walk out the door when my phone rang.

Phone Convo

Asia: hello?

Lonzo: Hey Asia what u and my babies doing today?

Asia: Niya wanted to go to the mall so that's what we doing today.

Lonzo: Ite me and Skylyn gon meet y'all there unless u wanna pick us up.

ASIA: Imma pick y'all up so be ready.

End Of Convo

Lonzo Pov
After I got off the phone with Asia I bathe Skylyn. I dried her off, lotion her down, powered her, and put her pamper on. I put her purple polo shirt on, khaki shorts, and black Nike socks with a purple headband.

I gave her to Skylar then went to take a twenty minute shower. I put on my tupac muscle shirt, black skinnies, my wheat timbs.
I brushed my hair then went to Skylyn nursery and packed her baby bag. By the time I was finished getting the baby bag together and putting Skylyn in her car seat Asia knocked on the door.

Asia Pov
Lonzo opened the door and moved aside to let me and the kids in.

"So we just had to match today" I said sarcastically. "Had to match my baby mommy" he said sarcastically while chuckling. I took the baby and the baby bag and he got the stroller. Before we left u no someone had something to say.

Skylar Pov

This bitch had the nerve to match my man ya no Imma bout to say some shit to her ass. "Why tf y'all matching and taking my morherfucking baby with y'all" I said mad as a motherfucker. "Lik we didn't no we was gon be matching so shut dat shit up foe I fuck u up in dis house bitch and the twins wanted to spend the day with their sister lik the fuck" Asia said put the baby carrier on the couch.

After she put the baby carrier down securely I started to run up. "Bitch run up get dine up" Asia said look at the twins telling them to go upstairs.

I ran up and punched her in her face then she pushed me and fell on the floor I felt her timbs in my back, stomach, and my face. I saw blood on the floor and Lonzo picked her up and took her to the car.

He came back in the house and helped me upstairs and to Aj and Niya to go downstairs. I took my clothes off and got in the shower.

Lonzo Pov
She got in the shower so I went downstairs and got the kids and took them to the car. I came back and got the baby bag and the stroller.

I told Asia to pop the trunk. I put the stroller in the trunk then closed it and got in the car.

Asia Pov
Lonzo got in the car and I drove off towards the mall. We drove in complete silence. We got to the mall in twenty minutes.

Lonzo Pov
I got out the the car went to Asia side and helped her out. Then I got the stroller out the trunk and securely attached the baby carrier to it and the twins held on to the sides of it while Asia pushed and I held her waist.

Asia Pov
"Boy get off me we ain't together no mo that's u n Skylar and from what I see she ain't here. So that means u needa keep yo hands to yo self" said giggling cuz I no I made him mad.

Skylar Pov
I'm bout to get Asia ass killed cuz I'm tired of her beating my ass. I called up my bitch Jakiya.

Phone Convo

Skylar: Jakiya it's bout to go down cuz I'm tired of this bitch keep putting her hands on me.

Jakiya: Well if u keep ya goddamn mouth shut and stay outta het business with her and Lonzo kids.

Skylar: U supposed to be my best fucking fran and have my back but instead u on the next bitch side.

Jakiya: Yes I have her side rite now cuz u in shit that u don't have shit to do with and for her to be the next bitch she surely do have goddamn sense than u. Bye bitch and loose my morherfucking number bitch and fuck u and I hope Asia take dat baby from yo ass.

End Of Convo

Asia Pov
We went in kids footlocker and brought Aj and Niya some Aunt pearl Kd sevens. Then we went to the Michael Kores store to buy Skylyn some soft bottom black boots. Then we went to buy myself a white gold chain Cocoa Chanel purse and Lonzo went to footlocker get him and I the Aunt Pearls also.

After all that shopping we went to the food court and ate from taco bell. After getting our order and finding a table I fixed fussy baby Skylyn a bottle and unstrapped her and took her outta the stroller and feed her the bottle of milk.

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