i hate people!!!!

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When we get there me and dad look at some atl t-shirts when Johnnie comes up from behind me and hugs me hey he says hey I say just then two snobby stuck up girls go by and look at us and laugh umm are you guys dating one of them asks no I say well tell your friend to keep it in his pants she says laughing I look at Johnnie who looks embarrassed and sad they laugh and by the way maelayiah just because your moms dead and your dad is andy Biersack no one feels sorry for you your just a no body she says I hold my head down...just then my dad comes around the corner and looks mad as hell hey you shut the fuck up and leave my daughter alone and if I ever here you speak of my wife like that again I'll hurt you got it he says through gritted teeth yes they say and they walk off....sweetie are you ok dad says lifting my head up and wiping my tears
Yeah dad I'm fine I say ok sweetie he says come.on let's go he says as we leave the two girls walk by again when my dad is already on the bus and say....your the reason your mom died she didn't want you she was a nothing like you nobody loved her and no no one loves you they say and walk off when I get on the bus I go to my bunk and cry....jinxx comes and and sits on the bed...hey maelayiah what's wrong he says holding me close....I'm the reason she died I say sobbing she died cause of me I yelled....what no no no maelayiah your not the reason who told you that he says
These girls at hot topic today they said I was the reason and no one loved me or her and my mom was a nothing like me I say crying....maelayiah that's not true those girls are bitches it's not your fault and your mom was a something she was amazing and still is just Like you he says....calm down ok...k I say good now come on let's watch some TV ok he says as he pulls me up and hugs me when we sit down and Watch TV jinxx is talking to my dad when dad comes in he hugs me and strokes my hair...oh sweetie no it wasn't your fault ok don't you ever think that ok no your perfect and you are a somebody and so was your mom ok it wasn't your fault your mom loves you very much ok he says ok dad I know I say ok he says he kisses my check and watched TV with me and cc and jinxx

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