i hate boys!!!

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As I was wandering around I bumped into someone who turned out to be....Johnnie!!! Hey he says as he sees me crying what's wrong he says its nothing I say as I hug him can I stay the night with you I say sure he says we can ha a slumber party he says alright I say come to the bus with me I gotta grab some things ok I say ok he says as we walk back to the bus hey dad I say as I get on yeah he says is it ok if I stay the night with Johnnie I ask yeah he says have fun he SATs as he hugs me by I grab my bvb messenger bag and put a lot of monsters and peace teas a change of clothes my tooth brush and tooth paste my Yoshi plush toy and my batman blanket and hoodie and bvb hoodie...ready he says yeah I say as we go to Hus bus when I get on his bus Matthew and Damon and Bryan all look at me and hug me hey they say hey I say then a girl walks out she was beautiful oh maelayiah this is Alex hi she says smiling and hugs me oh hi I say as I hug her back god she's pretty I think....her beautiful grey eyes her popping red hair no pimples and flawless smile she's gorgeous I think....woah...she then kisses my check and I blush haha she laughs she's blushing its so adorable she says as she takes my hand and leads me to the couch....BTW looooove your hair she says as she starts to play and braid it thanks I say...god she's so pretty I say as I stare into her eyes I got lost in them....
Maelayiah she says yeah I say as I snap back Into reality you have beautiful eyes she says oh thanks I say....hey guys Mathew says let's play a game he says smirking and smiles evilly....oh no Johnnie says

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