jake wants me to marry him?

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As my dad introduces me to the crowd a lot of my fans were so supportive then you got the haters of course hey all of bvb army dad screams they all freak out today my beautiful daughter will be singing with me and the band and today is her birthday so sweetie happy birthday he says as he hugs me and then jake steps up to the mic and says happy birthday baby I love you he says as he kisses me and hugs me I live this girl with all my heart he says and maelayiah I got a huge surprise for you after this ok....um ok i say as the rest of the band wish me happy birthday and we start the show by singing perfect weapon me and my dad screamed and sang after that it was we stitch these wounds then rebel love song at the end of that song jake had stopped the show hold up, hold up,hold up he says I got something important to say as he walks in front of me and takes my hands in his maelayiah he says these past few years have been amazing he says and I asked your dads permission as I look at dad he has a camera and is recording us what is he doing I ask maelayiah I love you and I wanna be with you forever he says your amazing and beautiful you get me when no one els has a clue he says as he looks me in the eyes so I guess what I'm trying to say is...he gets down on one knee and pulls a small box out from his pocket and when he opens it a beautiful 16 carrot ring is revealed.... Maelayiah Ann Biersack...would you make me the happiest man in the world and....marry me?....
Oh my God I say as I cry yes!!! Yes Jake I will marry you he gets up and smiles as he puts the ring on my finger and kisses me he grabs the mic....she said yes!!!! He screams and kisses me and continues singing when the show is over we walk out Jake had carried me on his back and a lot if fans were screaming at how cute we were then when we were heading to the bus so.done yelled out....put my girl down you faggot a guy yelled when Jake turned around it was.....Kyle!?.... What was that Jake says I said put my girl down..
First of all I'm not your girl Kyle and second of all I'm married to Jake so I'm not yours I laugh
You will be he says as he starts to walk towrads me but Jake steps in front of me...you want me to beat your ass again Jake says Jake no I say as I grab his shoulder he turns to face me I got this babe he says as he kisses me....

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