chillin with kyle

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Alright sweetie dad says I'll be back ok I'm gonna run to the store bye I say bye he says I grab a peach monster from the fridge and watch TV when I get a text from kyle...hey Mae
Hey kyle I reply...
Can I come over pwease
Yes please I reply
Ok be there in a sec see ya
See ya I say a little while later there is a knock on the door as I open it kyle hugs me and smiles hey beautiful he says hey u I say we sit on the couch and talk
He then asks me a serious question.... Maelayiah he says....yes kyle I say
Do you like me? He says looking me in the as a friend or...more than a friend he says
Oh ummmm umm was all I could say I was staring into his beautiful brown eyes and his really kissable lips God he's so cute I say in my least I thought I did cause in that moment he laughs and is that a yes....yes kyle I do like you I say ,I thought
So kyle says do you like me I ask don't like you...oh I say putting my head down bout to Cry....I love you he says smiling,what I say shocked you love me? Yep he says always have and always will awww kyle I say as I hug him he wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly in his arms I then look up at him we lean in close and BAM!!!! Our lips met I pulled back woah I said,what he says that was amazing I say well we can try again he says ok as we kiss again this time he puts his tongue to my lips indicating he wanted an entry so I opened my mouth letting his tongue in we swirled our tongues around in each others mouths then he started to pull on my lip a soft moan escaped my mouth kyle I say yes maelayiah he says
I-i-im ready I say.... Are you sure he says concerned...yes kyle I'm ready,ok he says let's go he says swinging me in his arms

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