im in love with you kyle....

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When I wake up I'm wrapped in kyles arms aww I say as he mumbled my name in his sleep....aww I say as I lightly kiss his lips his beautiful brown eyes flutter open and pulls me close for a real kiss....mmm I say what he says nothing just enjoying your company I say aww he says I enjoy your company too he says aww I love you so so so much I say as I kiss him I get up and get dressed so dose Kyle when dad walks in....hey dad I say oh hey sweetie he says he then looks at Kyle with a hard stare....maelayiah I need to to talk to you dad says a little tense umm sure I say as I follow him outside...ash told something very very interesting he says oh really I say getting sick...what the fuck he promised I say dad then pulls my collar down and sees the love mark from kyle really maelayiah what the hell is this he says getting mad....umm nothing I say DONT lie you and Kyle fucked didn't you he said umm ugh yes I say looking down...your 15 Maelayiah what were you thinking I know and I'm sorry I say looking down about to cry...I want kyle out of my bus now he says sternly what dad no please I beg nope I want him gone!!! He screams but dad I love him!!! What was that he said...I love him ok I love kyle....that's it I want his ass out now and with that he walks on the bus and grabs kyle I want your ass out and I want you to stay away from my daughter you got it he says no I'm sorry andy I won't I love her and she loves me listen here you fag she's my daughter and I own her ok I want you to stay away from her if you DONT I will fucking kill you have I made myself clear he says coldley....yes kyle says kyle no!!!! I scream DONT GO!!! Bye maelayiah he says as he kisses me and whispers...I'll always love you and leaves
KYLE NO COME BACK DONT GO!!!! I start to bawl and run to my bunk lock the door and cry....I'm so alone now no kyle no mom no friends I love Kyle why kyle why...I see the knife on my dresser and I grab it....I guess its time I say....

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