christian knows!!!?

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As I pull away cc walks through the door and says Maelayiah Ann Biersack we need to talk he says kyle do you mind he says....uhmm sure he says as he leaves the bus
CC walks towards me and sits down next to me....what was all that banging this morning and last night he says
Umm nothing I say he then moves my shirt collar down and sees the love mark kyle gave me really then what's that he says fine you caught me I say kyle and me had sex last night and this morning....well I could have told you that he says I'm sorry cc I say don't apologize he says w what I say yeah I could have figured you and kyle would fuck at one point but I never knew it would be now
Yeah I say....did he use protection he says smiling what yes I said yeah he used a condom well this good as he gets up I say....hey cc yeah he turns around you won't tell dad will you I say nah he says don't worry I won't tell andy but you better tell kyle to keep it in his pants ok he laughs promise you won't tell I practicly beg
I promise don't worry ok,k thanks i say no problem he says he hugs me and leaves when kyle comes in cc looks at him and hands him a box might need these tonight he says and laughs as he leaves kyle looks at me and says he knew
Yep I say don't worry he won't tell dad oh ok he says kyle then comes towrads me and kisses me when ash walks in....oh no I think ash has had a crush on me for a while....hey he says what's going on he looks at Kyle and me a little pissed uhh nothing I say really he says it looked like you two were kissing he says as he walks towards me and pulls my shirt collar down hmmm he says what's this then he smirks uhh umm was all I could say ash I I I'm sorry I start to stutter and panic whoa whoa calm down he says please don't tell dad ash please I beg of you....don't worry I won't tell andy but you better watch though ok he says ok ash I say he then looks at kyle and glares kyle glares back ash then pulls me close to him and hugs me tightly rubbing my back and holding me really close to his shirtless body I hug back and he holds me for a while kyle is breathing heavy and turning red ash is just staring him in the eyes while he's doing this when he finally pulls away he puts his hands on my waist and stares into my eyes smiling he then turns away and leaves, I turn to kyle who looks as if he was about to cry Kyle I say as I walk towards him and embrace him in my arms he wrapped his arms around me and held me close I buried my face in his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck as The warm tears fell he pulled me closer and burried his face in my neck its ok babe i say I love you no one els ok i say as I grasp him tightly I know babe he says as he kisses me and wipes my tears away I'm not mad at you love he says its ash I could see what he wanted to do to you love by the way he acted and the way he held you and mostly by the way he looked at you and the way he looked at me he had this look in his eyes I dont wanna loose you he says tears streaming down his face and you won't I say but ash...dont worry love I say ash is nothing to me I love you ok I say as I pull his face to mine as I kiss him he pulls me closer and I wrap my hands around his neck he then picks me up and takes me to my bunk and locks the door.....

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