Andy finds out!!!!

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The next day....
Hey oliver andy says have you seen my daughter she was supposed to stay the night with you....umm no oliver says she never came over.... She didn't? Oh no she better not have I then walk to johnnies bus and bang on the door....Bryan soon answers oh hey andy he says what's up cut the bullshit where's my daughter andy says uhhh I DONT know DONT give me that shit were is she I DONT know Johnnie shows up behind him Johnnie where is she he says she and Kyle ran away he says oh really? Oh my god I told her to stop seeing him where did they go to his place Johnnie says in LA thanks time to go kick some faggot ass I say as I tell the driver to go to LA guys change of plans were going to LA what why Jake and cc say to kick a fags ass he says and sits on the couch let's go he says...I gotta taste for blood andy says and had this look on his face...he then grabs his knife and starts to sharpen it smiling evilly.... Andy what you got in mind cc says smirking....oh nothing just a taste for blood he says as he keeps sharpening the knife....get ready kyle he says!!!!

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