Why Jake Why!!!!

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I hate Jake I say as I fall asleep crying in jinxx,s arms...I know he says...as Jake walks in he was shirtless and had lipstick all over him....hey he says breathing heavy and he looked at me in jinxx,s arms I'll take her from here he says reaching for me jinxx pulls me closer to him umm no I got it he says and BTW you smell like a girl he says just give her here he says no jinxx says you hurt her she's my wife he says you sure about that he says dude I'm serious I turn over in jinxx,s arms when my band member jayy walks in he takes me out of jinxx,s arms and puts me in my bunk and closes the curtain and walks back in to the lounge area problem solved he says and Jake you stupid idiot hr says in his adorable English accent...you hurt my best friend your lucky I don't hurt you,your her spouse her mate bloody hell man what's wrong with you he yells at Jake you bloody no good cheater!!! Dude you better shut the hell up he says raising his fists up you wanna fight let's fight!!! Jayy says as jayy tackles Jake and starts to punch him and beat him Jake pushes him off and starts to beat him I wake up to the sound of thumping and crashing I walk out and see jayy and Jake fighting
WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAKE NO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU FIRST THE NURSE AND NOW YOU BEAT MY BEST FRIEND WERE TROUGH ITS OVER YOU JERK!!!! i scream ad I pull my ring off and trow it at him babe wait babe wait don't do this please he hugs me but I push him away when I look at him he has a lot of hickeys on his neck....STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LYING CHEATING BASTERD I HATE YOU ITS OVER!!!!! I say as I run out and never look back I run until I can't see the buses or anyone anymore I fall again on my ribs and screamed out in pain and agony....and cried why Jake why I noticed my phone was still in my pocket I pulled it out and opened the case and grabbed my blade and slashed my wrists and thighs blood soaked my clothes and light was fading the last thing I saw was a dark tall shadow pick me up and take me away....before my world went black....I had gone too far this time j-jake I chocked out before my world went pitch black

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