truth or dare!?

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Johnnies POV
Oh no I say Matthews games are really steamy...soo what are we playing I ask... The most dangerous game ever....truth or dare!!! Oh hell yeah me and Alex scream at the exact same time...we looked at each other and blushed alright let's gather around Mathew in the floor and make a circle around him Bryan says ok as we get in a circle Alex is sitting really close to me she was practically in my lap and johnnie was on the other side if me smirking at us alright let's begin uhh maelayiah he says truth or dare he says ummm truth I say is it true your still a I answer haha ok he says honest i like it he says your turn uhh johnnie I say yeah he says truth or dare I ask umm dare hr says I dare you too cuddle Bryan for 5seconds oh you suck he says as he cuddles Bryan, Bryan makes it weird by pulling him close and moaning his name and time I say oh thank god johnnie says as he pushes away and sits by me again.your turn johnnie ok uhm Bryan truth or dare he says dare he says I dare you to act gay for 30 seconds ok he says as he talks gay and spoons with Mathew and cuddles him playing with his hair and saying perverted things to him at one point Bryan went to far and licked his face and time johnnie says ok sorry Mathew Bryan says whatever he says wiping his face off Bryan your turn ok Damon truth or dare uhh truth he says is it true your I'm bi he says ok your turn Damon cool he says maelayiah truth or dare uhh dare I say I dare you to cuddle really close with.....johnnie he says johnnie looked really happy ok I say as I cuddle really close to him and he kisses my forehead I look at Alex who looks mad as hell she is glaring at Johnnie is she jealous I ask myself...time he says when I pull away johnnie pulls me back and says your mine forever he says as he giggles I pull away and sit next to Alex who wraps her arm around mine and and puts her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers aww they say as johnnie holds his head down and mumbles something that sounds like...back off Alex she's mine!?...your turn maelayiah uhmm Alex I say she perked up yes she says truth or dare uhh truth she says is it true your lesbian or bi I say bi she says as she goes back to cuddling me oh ok I say as a smile forms across my face....your turn Alex I say ok umm Mathew truth or dare uhh dare he says I dare you too cuddle with Bryan since johnnie broke his heart yeah Bryan says fake crying aww bryan Mathew says as he cuddles him time she says get off me Mathew says playfully pushing Bryan off that hurt he said alright my turn he says uhh Maelayiah truth or dare truth I say is it true your lesbian straight or I say ok your turn johnnie truth or dare he says truth he says is it true me more than a friend yes he says I like you oh ok i say as alex wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head on my shoulder I put my arm around her she blushes and snuggles close to me...your turn johnnie I say as alex tightens her grip as I say his name I hold her close letting her know its ok she loosens her grip but not much uhhh Alex yes she says a little tense truth or dare truth she says is it true you like maelayiah? He says in kind of a mocking tone.....yes she says I like her a lot she says as he pulls me closer I put my arms around her and hold her back oh ok he says a little pissed your turn he says uhh maelayiah she says yes I say truth or dare uhh truth is it true you like me more than a friend she says uhhh yeah I say blushing yay she says as she kisses my check and lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arm around me I do the same aww damon Mathew and Bryan say all together eww johnnie says quietly your turn maelayiah she says uhh Damon I say yesm he says truth or dare,dare he says I dare you too have a threesome cuddle with me you and johnnie I say Alex tightens her grip on me again I kiss her head letting her know it's ok as I get up she holds on to me I tell her I'll be back she let's go as I get in the middle johnnie facing me with his arms wrapped around me and damon behind me with his arms wrapped around me I had my arms wrapped around johnnie the best threesone cuddle ever I say and time Mathew says as I return Alex sits in my lap and puts her arms around my neck and puts her head to mine and whispers DONT go agian ok I say she then puts her head on my shoulder as I craddle her like a baby...your turn damon ok he says Mathew truth or dare truth he says is it true your a virgin he says nope Mathew says ok he says now let's play a different game that's more fun he says smiling and winking ok I say what is it I say youll see he says as he goes in the kitchen and comes back with a....bottle.... Oh no I think....

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