self harm....welcome back

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I grab the knife...I guess its time I say as I drag it across my wrists feeling the sting and watching the warm blood fall each cut got deeper and wider jinxx knocks on the door...maelayiah r u ok he says concerned uhh yeah I say just tired and alone c can you hand me my bvb hoodie from the couch please I say....sure he says as I open the door I pull it on and walk outside I grab my phone off the charger and grave my headphones I got my bvb messenger bag with blood dripping from the bvb symbol I put a few monsters in there my makeup and a chance of clothes as I'm leaving the bus dad says where are you stay the night with oliver Sykes I say oh ok he says have fun yeah I will I say as I walk out haha I'm not going to Olivers I'm going to see kyle on johnnies bus little dose he know I came prepared....

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