Chapter 1

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Moving from Lethbridge to Blackwood county was an interesting turn of events. Mom always wanted a change and was always talking about how she hated the cold in the small town; but like really moving to another place where it's just as cold maybe even colder. Meh what can you really do-

"Y/n, sweetheart you better get going before you're late for your first day of school".

Groaning a yes down the stairs I grab my over the shoulder bag and check myself one last time before heading out. Black long-sleeved shirt, black leggings, red converses, and a green winter coat.. What am I forgetting? right my beanie, I look around the room sitting on my desk chair there is my grey beanie. Thank god I don't think I could go without it.

Finally walking down stairs I see my mom getting ready to leave, she smiles and throws a white fluffy scarf my way.

"Y/n I hope you have a good day at school and don't forget it's still winter"

"I know mom, I was just about to grab my scarf" she laughs knowing how teenagers are. She kisses me and waves goodbye. Grabbing my keys I lock up and grab my bike. Good thing that the town sure looks out for people with getting the snow off the sidewalks makes it more easy for me. Swinging my leg over I head for school.

I guess I could get used to the scenery, it's so beautiful and peaceful, almost like a utopia. Only a few more blocks now come on. I mean missing my first day isn't something I don't mind but then I would have to do it tomorrow, with the same reaction from my peers.

'Oh look at the new girl'

'Why does she look weird'

'She's looks nice', et cetra.

How annoying but that's people, curious and interesting. I had just arrived at school in the parking lot and I see this car barreling into the parking lot, they seem to finally to notice me and they slam on their breaks. I toss my bike to the side walk and quickly jump out of the way, thank god. Jesus! can't people drive like sensible people and watch when there is pedestrians. Wiping myself off and checking to make sure I'm alright and I have everything. Phew I seem to be fine. I go over to my bike and it looks like crap it seems like it hit one of the light posts and dented the middle so now its slightly crocked and doesn't look stable to ride. FUCKEN PERFECT!

"Omg are you alright?" I see this girl with short hair come running up to me with such concern in her face.

"Peachy, are you alright?" I say not unkind.

The girl in front of me laughs "you're the one that was almost hit and you ask if I'm alright, man you sure you didn't hit your head or something?"

"No, no I'm all good. I'm pretty sure that my lui sure took more damage than I did."

With this her eyes go big and she's looking pale and frantic "Lui? Was there someone with you? are they alright? omg I am so sorry"

Now it's my turn to laugh "No you have it all wrong. Lui is my bike"

She finally lets a breathe in that I didn't notice she held in and lets out a low chuckle.

"Thank god, I mean I'm sorry about your bike, but you kno-" before she could finish I hold up a hand telling her to stop and gave her a smile that means 'I know what you meant'. Looking behind her I see two other figures running up to her, I can make out a girl and a guy.

"Beth is she alright? Do we need to go to the doctors?"

The other girl who looks exactly like the girl 'Beth' but with glass comes up to me and does a three-sixty trying to see if I'm alright. I shake her off kindly and look at the two girls and the guy -who honestly looks like he saw a ghost or a long lost relative who just gave him a hug-

"I'm fine, hundred percent find" I quickly look at my watch and see that I only have a few more minutes before I have to see the office for my new prison- I mean school schedule.

"I. Am. So. Sorry" the guy finally speaks up, "I didn't see you. If you need I can take you to the hospital"

Damn these guys sure are persistence.

"I am fine. Swear, but I honestly have to go if I'm going to get to my appointment with the warden"

They all seem to laugh at that, finally they look happy. Beth and her sister I'm guessing each grab hold of my arm leading me inside and the brother grabs my bike and mumbles and apology for the bike. I just smile and wave it off.


Finally the day is over. Though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; Beth, Hanna and I become really good friends. I go to the office to grab my bike and start to walk out, I quickly plug in my ear phones and zone out. Just as I'm about to go to the parking lot I feel an arm on my shoulder and jump a bit. Turning around I see Beth and Hanna; pulling the earphones out of my ear, they smile this weird mischief smile.

"What's up?" getting a little suspicious.

"Since we almost killed you-"
"You didn't kill me don't make it seems to dramatic"

Beth waves a hand to dismiss what I said, "Anyways, we at least owe you a ride home. Come on Josh should be pulling up any time soon"

They began dragging me to their 'pick up spot' I free my arm from them and shake my head.

"Honestly I'm good. Plus I don't live too far, like a few blocks plus I like to walk"

"No it's not up for discussion, we mutilated poor Lui. So don't even try it"

Sighing from defeat I just oblige, tapping my foot from impatience and cause of the reason that it's so god damn cold outside. After a few more minutes I see a black car roll up and stop right in front of us. Beth and Hanna grab me and tell me to get in. I sit on the left side right behind Josh and right next to Hanna.

"Thanks for the ride but I'm pretty sure that Hanna and Beth forced you too", before Josh could speak Hanna speaks up,

"Actually it was Josh's idea because he felt bad for almost killing you"

I look in the mirror and I swear I saw Josh blush.

"Well thank you Josh but honestly I'm totally fine"

After that the car falls silent, I look into the rear view mirror and see Josh just staring at me. Few moments go by and I look away, looking out the window. Man this scenery I would never get bored of.

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