Chapter 3

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As I awake all I can hear is giggling. After slowly opening up my eyes I see a sleeping Josh quietly snoring and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I try to get in, hopefully I don't wake Josh. I was almost up when I feel an arm grip tighter on my waist and pull me down. Sighing I relax debating whether I should wake him or just cherish the moment. Deciding against the moment since it was Friday and that means school. Shaking Josh slightly I whisper his name to try to wake him up. He doesn't reply, so I decide to play a prank on him. Alright and a one, two, three.

I scream at the top of my lungs. Josh waking up high alerted just up and looks around to make sure that everyone is okay. Laughing hysterically I began to get up; Josh looking around to see me laughing has a stern look on his face.

"The hell was that for? you scared the shit out of me"

"My bad but I do have to get up and you didn't let me", Josh looking confused just sighs and yawns.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Beth says rushing into the living room.

"Yeah, peachy. I just need thought I would do some bird calling before school"

Laughing Beth just looks at me and tells me to follow her.

"Here since we didn't go to your house to pack a bag you can borrow something"

Leading me into her walk-in closet I can see that we have some what similar taste in clothing.

"Y/N, I think I just have the outfit for you", Beth rummages through her clothes we throw me a red sweater big enough to fit two people comfortably and grey leggings and hands me black boots. I quickly go and throw them on in her huge bath that I'm pretty sure her and Hanna share because there are two sinks and another door. I quickly slip them on and run my hands through my hair.

I poke my head out and ask if I could use her tooth brush not wanting to have nasty breath all day. Shouting a yeah from her closet I quickly do my teeth and head downstairs. I'm about to plop myself on the couch until I see a figure sprawled out on the couch watching TV. I decide to sit right in front of his torso on the floor so I could have something to do while waiting for the girls to be done getting ready.

I look over to see Josh watching my ever move and with that I look away and plopping myself down. I feel something playing with my hair I turn around towards the left side of my hair to see Josh twirling a piece of my hair around his index finger. Seeming mesmerized by it he doesn't notice that now I am the one staring at his every move. Why do I find him so fascinating? I mean he is really good looking but there is something about him. He makes me feel safe, comfortable, myself. He stops twirling my hair around his finger and looks into my eyes. After what seems like an eternity we start inching forward, closer and closer until our noses are just brushing each other. I can feel us move closer and out of instinct I close my eyes and are lips are so close I can feel the warmth and then-

"Alright ready. Josh could you please drive us again", I pull away and turn my head towards the TV before they could see us almost kiss. Damn so close. So god damn close; but maybe its for the best I don't really know anything about him and there could also be the possibility that he has a girlfriend. I mean who wouldn't want to go out with him.

Josh fully awake now gets up and throws on his coat and is waiting at the door. I quickly stand up and throw on my coat and grab my bag. Hanna and Beth walk outside first and me next but I feel a hand on the smalls of my back and softly guide me out the door. I get out the door and head for the black car. Josh soon joins us and unlocks the car, Hanna and Beth immediately go for the back seats which mean I get shotgun. One day to be shotgun and it had to be today.


Thank god school is done. I swear if I have to hear girls screeching and acting dumb I might just go insane. At least I was able to get the girls phone number so when I didn't see. Speaking of Hanna and Beth they haven't found me just yet which means I get to go home and chill. I hear laughing and see Josh with a girl I kind of recognize, blonde hair (pulled back), oh right she's in my biology class. Sam. They seem to really know each other, they're pretty close to one another. I keep staring for god knows why and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. That must be his girlfriend, see I knew that he would have one. All of a sudden they hug for what seems like forever and I come to the conclusion that my theory was right.

I cant stand it anymore so I decide I don't want to wait for Hanna and Beth to drag me to their house again. I don't want to stand in the way of a relationship and if I'm correct about the pain in my chest I would seem that I have fallen for Josh. I best stay away for a while to let my chest calm down and I can think rationally about just being friends with the girls and trying to avoid Josh. I don't think about it anymore and head straight home with lui- crap they still have my bike. I guess I'll have to walk it. I pull out my phone and turn on google maps so that I don't get too lost and I start walking.

Following google maps it says that I'm 3/4th away from being home. Then of course I feel my phone buzzing like crazy and there it is. Beth's name pops up on my screen and it takes me a good few minutes before I decide that I don't really feel like talking. I'm almost home and I just want to relax from the stressful day I just had. All of a sudden my phone is ringing again. This time Hanna's name is displayed on my screen. Deciding that I can't take them spamming me I reluctantly answer.


"Y/N. Where are you? We've been looking every where"

"Oh I decided that I needed to go home cause I still have some unpacking and I knew you guys would let me go home. Also I needed some air cause my head was hurting so I thought I would check out the neighborhood while I was at it"

"Where are you right now? We'll drive you the rest of the way. Josh was freaking out because he thought you were kidnapped"

At that my heart started racing. Josh was freaking out? Oh probably cause he didn't want one of his sisters friends to go missing. How nice I guess. But I don't really feel like speaking right now I just some alone time with school and moving to a new place it's finally dawning on me that everything from this point on will change. Change always scared me.

"I'm fine seriously I'm just a few blocks away from my house. Thanks for being considerate though". I can hear the phone being shuffled around and then a guys voice come on.

"Y/N. Seriously don't be stubborn where are you? Are you okay? You should have waited I would have drove you home. There are lot of creeps out there and they could easily deceive you. Next time please wait for me and the girls"

Stopping in my tracks I could hear how worried he actually was. He needs to stop that cause with ever word he says I keep falling and I need to get stop cause I don't want to be a relationship wrecker.

"I'm at just in the middle of Beaver street (hey now before you say anything I live in Canada so I get to make fun of Canadians)" I can't believe I told him my mouth just spoke before I could protest.

"Alright. Good. Now just stay there and I'll be over there in a few moments. Do not move, I'm coming to get you right now" In the background I can hear the engine getting louder and louder. Oh I hope he isn't speeding I'm only a few blocks away from being home. I honestly was fine and I could take care of people by myself I've been in some encounters before.

I look around waiting for the black car and I see two guys walking towards me not noticing me at first but chatting and talking. I'm positive that those guys are from my school. The where none as the ignorant jocks, you know if jocks were nice I wouldn't mind being there friends but alas their heads an probably the size or peanuts and are barbarians. They finally notice me just standing there looking around and they look like they have the 'predator' eyes. Oh lucky me it seems like I'm there so called prey. I would like to see them try I'll knock them out so fast they won't be able to piss their pants from being scared. They starting coming closer and closer and have sly smiles on their faces. Oh great, here it comes.

Before I know I see a black car whip around the corner and is right in front of me before I had time to breathe. Josh rushes out of the car and is right next to me checking me out to make sure I'm really okay. He then stops looking at me and looks over to where the two guys have now stop in their tracks and looks pale and horrified. He glares at them and looks angry, I'm pretty sure they get the point and walk the other way. Josh watches them turn the corner before giving me his full attention.

"Y/N don't ever do that again. Next time if you can't find the girls or can't get a hold of them give me a shout" Josh takes out his phone and hands me his phone and I hand him mind since he was staring at me until I did. We exchange numbers and Josh leads me to the car making sure that I get in before he gets in. As soon as I get in the car I can see Hanna and Beth smiling so wide I swear they look like the joker.

Authors Note
And that completes today's update. Hopefully you guys like it and I'm doing okay. I promise that this is just the back story to thing but I will be writing about the game soon enough. Well anyways have a good day/night and I'll see you guys later.

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