Chapter 12

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"Man I feel like this mountain gets bigger every time I climb it." Chris says sounding out of breathe

"Oh yeah? Feels the same to me"

"Oh come on, you grew up here. It probably feels like it's shrinking"

"You're just a lazy ass, don't try to deny it" I say jokingly

"Hey I resent that I am a handsome lazy ass for you information. How dare you discriminate me"

I just laugh at him, what an idiot. We stopped and seen that not everyone was here yet so we just await for their arrival. Hopefully they'll be here soon I need some time with the fire.

"When are you gonna install some cell towers up here? I'm getting withdrawals already"

"Why doth need to speak about modern technology when thyn self is being presented with the amazing presence of the lovely Ashley~" I say wiggling my eyebrows. He just looks at me with a blush starting to form

"I don't know what you're talking about", I just give him a look and Josh says

"Yeah and if you got a spare million lying around I'll fix you right up"

"Funny you say that, ah I think I left it in my other jacket" we start walking towards Ashley and Matt.. weird I thought Emily would be with him.

"Hey guys, get up here okay?" I let go of Josh's hand and go say hello to Ashley and sit right next to her. We ended up talking about what we did over the year (though I left out Josh's little episodes, just in case).

"'Sup with him" Josh says looking at Matt who seems to extremely pissed. Oh perfect already we have been here not even a few minutes and something is already going down. Josh and Chris go up to the door and seem to come back down, wondering what's going on I get up. Chris walks towards Ashley, leaving Josh and I alone.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"The door seems to be frozen shut, we're going to try to find another way around"

"Did you want me to come with you guys?"

"No I think we should be fine, plus you need to stay with Ashley so you guys can huddle together and get warm cause your cheeks are still really pink and that cute nose of yours" he leans in a places a soft kiss on top of my nose. Nodding Chris comes back to Josh and I head for Ashley.

They head around the side of the house and I look at Ashley with a deviate smile,

"So Ashley is this the day you tell Chris that you like him?", she looks at me shocked and blushes really hard.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Oh come on Ashley I know you better than anyone" I just nudge her and smile. Sam comes over and instantly knows what we're talking about.

"Sam tell her she just needs to go for it, Chris would never in his life reject her"

"Psssh he would be stupid if he did", this brings a smile to Ashley's face.

"Hey I'm getting cold, lets stand by the door so we can get in faster" I say breathing into my hands for warmth. Nodding we start up the stairs, goodness what is taking so long for them to get the door open"

"Oooooooooohhhhhhh" Ashley jumps a little and Sam and I spot Chris being a big goof.

"Very funny Chris, should you be getting the door open or something"

"On it"

We just laugh. A few moments pass and Chris finally comes back and starts unfreezing the door. Yes, finally I need heat right now. He opens up the door,

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