Chapter 6

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Hearing giggling and a door slowly shut, I open my eyes and was about to get up when I feel something tighten around my waist. Looking down I see a sleeping Josh, man does he looks like a child when he sleeps. I'm not going to move cause I want to cerise this moment; I lightly stroke his hair not wanting to wake him and he stirs a little before settling back. I could feel my stomach getting hungry; slowly I get up and place a pillow in between Josh's arms so that I could grab something to eat and he could still cuddle with something. Quietly leaving the room I make sure that the door doesn't slam when leaving. I could hear voices coming from the kitchen so I go and check out who is there. Spotting Hanna and Beth I just them a small wave and sit down at the island with Beth while Hanna cooked some breakfast.

"Morning" I say yawning

"Morning~" Beth says smiling and wiggling her eyebrows. Laughing I just nudge her and say

"Nothing happened don't worry"

"What come on we're hoping that we could place another bet".

Laughing I just put my head down on the island and look at Beth,

"Hey Beth I was wondering I know I've known you all for a few days know but do you think that it's a little weird that Josh and I are going out?"

She looks at me and smiles that signature heart warming smile that Josh does

"Honestly we thought about it but it's not weird he is usually really reserved but for some reason with you he's not. Funny thing was that after he almost 'killed' you he kept asking questions about you; at the time we were just getting to know you but now I could tell that he was really interested in you"

I just nod and smile thinking about how he seemed really worried about where I was after school.

"He seems to really like you because he can't sleep peacefully until we get home but with what happened last night we were just really glad that you were there when he was freaking out. Oh and just so you know he practically dragged us out of the kitchen because he kept telling us that he needed to get back to you so that you wouldn't get hurt. I can tell you make Josh really relaxed which he needs"

Blushing I look away and out the window. I could hear Hanna giggle and I turn my head to her and she was just staring at me and with that I blush even harder. God I must look like a blushing mess.

"I just want to make sure that its okay to be dating your brother, I honestly care about him. There is something about him that drew me nearer to him but I also want to be best friends with you guys so I just wanted to make sure that this is okay"

Hanna and Beth both look at me and smile

"Yes we were actually hoping that Josh and you would get together you both seem to have something, like a spark, between you guys and we're both glad that you two are together"

Before I could say anything I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Josh comes in yawning and scratching his head. He looks around and sees everyone and comes over to me and kisses my forehead before sitting beside me. Hanna finally comes over to the island with a stack of pancakes. Grabbing four plates we drive right into the pancakes, after filling up on pancakes Josh and the twins go to the living room while I go upstairs to grab my phone off the bedside table and hit the bathroom.

I check the time and see that it's noon. Hmm we sure slept in, I look through my phone and see that there is no text from my mom, interesting I would have thought she was going to tear me a new one. Deciding I don't want to get in trouble I text my mom really quickly.

'Hey sorry I was hanging out with Hanna and Beth and we fell asleep before I could text you'

Putting down my phone I change back into my old clothes that Beth had lent me and head downstairs. Going down the stairs I could feel my phone vibrating,

'Hey sweetheart it's all good I was chatting with the Washington's and they told me that Hanna had texted them saying that you were sleeping over and that you had already fallen asleep so they didn't want to wake you'

Man I owe Hanna for that one.

'Thank god. Don't worry I'll be home today so that we can finish our packing'

'Alright I'll probably be a little late again but there is a nice Chinese restaurant a few blocks away that you could pick up for us later'

'Alright I will. Love you and I'll let you get back to work'

With that I head into the living room. I head into the living room and tell them that I have to head out so that I could unpack finally. Josh getting up from the couch tells me that he will drive me home, not arguing nod. Josh quickly goes upstairs to get changed and comes down newly dressed and tells the girls that he will be right back. Before we get outside the door I hear Beth shout to text them later, yelling a for sure I head for Josh's car. The car ride was really nice though it was quiet. Josh held my hand while he drove home he would occasionally rub his thumb along my hand. We pulled up to my house and Josh walks me to my door, I throw my arms around my neck and whisper a thank you for last night and press my lips on his. I could feel him really get into it and decide to stop it just in case, I pull away and tell him to be safe on his way home. He smiles and heads for his car, I see him slowly pulling away to make sure I get inside.

Ah home sweet home, I look at the boxes and decide to go to work. I start going to work with the boxes. After hours of finally putting things away I'm all finished looking at the clock it reads '6' o'clock. Man I feel so old I'm already tired, deciding that I need sleep I head for bed.

Waking up I feel my phone buzzing grabbing it from the night stand I see a few texts two from the twins one from Josh and one from my mom saying she had to go into work. Getting up I head for the shower and take a nice long shower. Man after spending most of my time with the Washington's I'm just happy that I could be home and just relax. This year is sure going to be an interesting one I can just feel it.

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