Chapter 14

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"Ugh" my head felt so light but my bones ached. I slowly opened up my eyes and found myself laying down with a blanket over me. Getting up I could tell that it was Josh's room; the memory of what happened in the kitchen flooded back to me. I got up too quickly and felt light headed and stumbled back. I sat on the bed for a little bit longer, feeling a little better I made my way to Josh's closet and rummaged through the clothes until I got to a winter jacket. Putting it on it was a little big but oh well. I need to find the others and Josh. Heading back to the kitchen I kept quiet and was cautious just in case the man was still inside the house. Walking into the kitchen I see Chris on the floor, walking to him I give him a little shake. He stirs and looks at me,

"Y/n?" he touches his head "what happened?"

"There was man with a clown mask who knocked all of us out. Where is Ashely" looking around I didn't see her. Shit, he must have taken her, I hope she'll be okay.

"I don't know. Ashley and you ran after Josh's scream" I help him get up and check if he's hurt. He seems fine he might have a headache but other than that he's good.

"We need to find Josh and Ashley" I head for the door with Chris following me. We head out through the kitchen door to the snow storm that has picked up. We walked down the path hoping that we can at least find the others if not Josh and Ashley. We yell their name a couple of times but I tell him that it's best if we just stayed quiet so that we aren't giving away our location. Nodding in agreement we proceed down the path We see lights and I run ahead a little. I get closer to the light and then something pops up from no where and I fall on my ass,

"Holy shit!" I clench my heart cause of the sudden thumping from the scare, Chris comes up to me and laughs a little.

"Who the hell would do this?" getting up and brushing myself off I look at the stupid contraption that scared me to death. It looks like someone used a Hollywood mask and a garbage bag with fake blood on the so called zombie. I look beside it and see that the contraption was well though through, this guy might have other shit like this around.

"I don't know but I think we should be careful were we step"

"What does this guy want?"

"I have no clue I just hope we find everyone soon and pray that they're all safe" we walk a few more steps before Chris grabbed my arm and stops me.

"Y/n look at that" I turn my head a see a pigs head, feeling nauseas I look away. Seeing the path end we decides its best to back track just in case we missed a turn or something. I turn but instead of going straight and the fork we take a left. Seeing a cabin I start running Chris is yelling my name to stop, I couldn't stop I need to find Josh and Ashley. I slow down so that Chris could catch up, he gently pushes past me

"I'll go first so if the guy is there than I want you to at least be able to get out"

"No if the guy is here we're both getting out I refuse to leave you behind"

"You sure are stubborn" I just smile and we walk around the place. It was eerie there were cages hanging everywhere and then we heard Ashley's voice

"Chris? Y/n?"

"Ash we're here"

"Where are you?" Chris says rushing towards the voice.

"Please. Help me"

"We're coming Ash - just keep talking. What happened?"

"He tied me up and I cant move! I'm scared"

"You're going to be alright I promise just keep calm and Chris and I will get you out". We get to a fence and the lights turned on showing Ashley and.. JOSH. They were tied up and hanging from a boarded back with a chain saw in the middle.

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