Chapter 2

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"So Y/N, where did you move from?" I look towards Beth and simply answer

"Lethbridge" nothing really good with small talk I turn my attention toward the trees and urban houses passing us. Is this what humans are coming to a 'white, all Canadian life', how bland.

"Hmmm, so why did you move here?"

"Mom wanted a change but I didn't expect that she wanted this as a change. No offence but this seems like a bigger Lethbridge to me. Cold and quite, I can deal with quite but the cold, mmm, no thank you" Beth turns around and smiles.

"Yeah I know it gets quite chilly here. Hey since you just moved here would you like us to give you a tour today? Free of charge" smiling I decide against it for the reason that I just need some sleep it's been a long day and since my mom is working late I need to cook something for supper.

"No I think I'm good for today, I need to still unpack and cook some dinner. Maybe next time"

Hanna whining a bit tries to beg for me to hang out with them. After a while of arguing I cave, I guess I can hang out for a little while maybe even find some interesting book stores.


Few hours past by and they had showed me the mall, some cool coffee shops and last but not least the most amazing book store you will ever lay your eyes on. Though every time we go out and to our next destination Josh would always stick by me and keeping close eyes on us all, if one of us started to stray he would be like a dog herding sheep. At least he cares for his family. After getting into the car from our little tour they decide that they don't want me to go home just yet and ask me over for dinner, not declining cause if I don't have to cook that I'll take the opportunity. Pulling us to one of those white urban house- for the record that could fit a small village-. As we are walking up the stairs I see a blue mail box with the word 'Washington' engraved into it.

"Make your self at home. We don't really have guests over a lot so.." I just shrug and start taking off my shoes.

"Would you like something to drink?" Hanna pipes up.

Nodding my head I reply "water, please and thanks"

All of a sudden I feel a hand on my back guiding me into the living area. The hand is gently when guiding me and I turn around to see Josh, he looks down into my eyes and for some reason I feel 'safe', that could be the word but I also seem sadness. Why sadness?

"Are you okay? your cheeks are a little red" Josh says still looking at me. Throwing a hand to my cheek I can feel how hot they are. Was I blushing? Why is my heart pounding so hard? Can he hear it? Jesus I bet people in China can hear the beating.

"Y/N? Hello, are you okay?" he gets closer to me and I swear he took a glance at my lips.

"Yeah just a little cold", Josh smiles and guides me towards the couch and tells me to sit and he will be right back. Jesus where are Hanna and Beth? I decide that I probably won't be able to leave for a while and text my mom.

'Hey mom, I met some friends today and they showed me around and want me to hang out at their place for a while is that cool?'


'Sure. Are you going to be okay? What's their last name I might be working with them?'

Remembering the mail box I quickly texted back



'Oh I just met the Washington's they're really nice people. Just this once I'll let you hang out, but don't forget we still have some unpacking to do. Also I'll be working late so if they say it's okay I think it would be best if you slept over cause I still don't want you home alone'

'Alright. Ill ask but I'm one hundred percent sure they'll let me'

'Alright. Well I have to get back to work I'll talk to you tomorrow, love you and be safe'

Reading the text I decide to just leave it because she probably won't see it till later. Josh finally comes back with some blankets and some movies.

"Thought that we could all watch some movies and order some pizza".

"Sounds good to me. Hey I have a question"

"Shooting" Josh replies sitting down right next to me and placing the movie selection on the coffee table.

"My mom said that she has to work late and she doesn't want me home alone since we are still new here, I mean I can handle myself but I was wondering if I could sleepover. If not that's fine I can just go home but I want to put my moms mind at ease"

"Su-", before Josh could reply I hear Hanna and Beth barrel into the living from smiling extremely wide and shout

"Of course you can. You didn't think we would let you leave like that"

"You know you guess are starting to sound like serial killers"

laughing we all settle down and decide to have a horror movie marathon since it's getting close to Halloween. The two girls order some pizza and end up sitting on the floor, which is weird because there is enough room for everyone. Josh remembering I was cold throws the blanket on me and sits back with his arms resting on the top of the couch. I lean back so him arm is just around the back of my neck. Thank god the two girls are too into the movie to really pay attention or I swear they would be a giggling mess.

I don't know exactly who scooted closer me or josh or possibly both of us but next thing I know it his arm is completely around me and I'm resting my head on his shoulder. I felt so comfy and warm, I wouldn't want to trade this for anything.

I never dated back home because all the guys I had met were horrible and arrogant assholes. But Josh is just neither of those things. He's kind and sweet even though he did almost hit me; and a bonus is that he is super hot. I slowly starting to drift off into sleep when all of a sudden the door bell rings. Now I'm some what awake and lift my head off of Josh's shoulder and rub my eyes, Hanna getting up answers the door.

Hanna comes back with the pizza and we all start devouring the glorious food in front of us. After finishing the pizza and getting sleepy we all get more comfy and Hanna and Beth are past out and my eyes begin to get droopy. I tell Josh that I'm just moving cause I want to lie down and if he wants he can lie down next to me. I wasn't going to kick him off his own couch, he obliged and let me lay with my back to the couch and he lie with his back towards the TV.

I know he won't do anything so I relax and curl into him. How come men are so much warmer. I honestly think I could get used to this. I feel his arms around me and pull me in closer so that I'm fully molded with him. With that I let the darkness consume me and I drift off into the dream realm.


If you're reading this send me a quick message telling me what you like and what you though I should do more of. Honestly this is my first story and I would love to hear from you. I will not do that Author note so don't worry about getting a 'false' update I like to call them. I will some times do it after a chapter at the bottom but I don't know if I like it but hey why not try. I will also try to update as much as I can I promise I know how much it sucks to not have an update to a story but I will try my best and if I'm a few days late just send a message and I'll try to update. Well anyways have a good day/ night. Where ever you are from and I'll be seeing you around.

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