Chapter 9

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Beth and I were running as fast as we could to try to find Hanna. We never spoke or it would distract us from getting to her. We made sure that we would take the quickest way so we could get to her faster in case she was hurt or freezing. Hanna kept muttering swearing under her breathe and I kept yelling Hanna's name, we had been walking for a long time and seeing a figure we decided to follow the noise cause any animal could make foot prints and with the storm getting harder it was easier to follow the noise. We could hear someone crying, thus pursuing the noise we end up finding Hanna. Thank god she's okay, Freezing but alive.

"Hanna?!" Beth says while running up to her.

"Hello? Hanna oh my god you must be freezing"

We get closer and I start taking off my scarf and my beanie to give it to her while Beth takes off her coat. Hanna's starts getting up and it looks like she's been crying, her eyes are puffy or cheeks are now rosy red.

"I'm such an idiot! I'm so dumb"

I give her a huge hug and she hugs back.

"What happened?"

But before she could reply we hear heaving breathing coming from behind us.




We knew that we needed to get out of the woods and back to the lodge, back to safety. I quickly pushed the two girls in front of me to tell them to run, they complied and ran I made sure that I stayed in the back just in case something happened than the two girls would be safe. All of a sudden Hanna trips I help her up and tell her to keep going I look behind us just in case the person or thing wasn't right behind us. I tell them to keep running and I'll make a scene and for them to get back to the lodge they try to argue but I just scream for them to go. I scream and holler and wave my hands so that whatever it was could get me and save the girls but all of a sudden I hear the girls screaming. I see fire in the direction that Beth and Hanna went and my heart dropped. I run as fast as I could to get to them I look around and see the two girls hanging off a cliff and some guy leaning forward I yell at him and try to push my legs even harder to get to the girls. But the most devastating thing happened; Beth lets go of the branch and both Hanna and Beth fall. I scream their names and I could feel tearing rolling down my face. No, no, no, this can't be happening not Beth and Hanna anything but them. I scream into the air and break down and fall to my knees I sob some more but I knew I had to get back to the others. Oh. God. No. How am I going to tell Josh? How? Before I could sob even more the man that was there when Hanna and Beth both fell came towards me. With that I booked it, forgetting how freezing I was I run, run as fast and as far as I could to get to the others. I hear the guy yelling at me for some reason but all I could concentrate on was I needed to get to the cabin, to Josh. I hadn't seen the sudden hill and roll down it; freezing now I put both of my arms around me to give me some sort of warmth. Seeing lights I knew I was extremely close to the lodge, I stopped when I saw some figures walking around and yelling the girls names and my name.

The adrenaline had left my body and I was staggering to stay on my feet cause of how frozen I was. I try to shout to them but it only came out a little above a whisper. Then one of the figures stops and turns around and jogs over to me, I couldn't make out who it was until they were yelling my name, then I knew clearly who it was and who I didn't want it to be. Josh. He engulfed me in an embrace and soothed my back.

"Y/n! Oh my god you're freezing! Come on let's get you inside".

He picked me up bride style towards the lodge, I could feel tears welling up. The rest of the figures follow Josh inside all staying close to make sure I was okay. Josh puts my down on the couch and I break down I couldn't hold them back any more. Josh hugs me and asks was wrong, hearing the worry and frantic in his voice I didn't want to say it but I had to. I told him everything, how we found Hanna, how I told them to save themselves, how some man had been near them when they- when they fell. With every word Josh looked distraught not that's not the word mortified. I cry even more saying that I was so sorry that I didn't get to them in time. Josh hugs me tighter and just buries his face into my neck and his back was shacking, I knew he was crying and I hugs him. I soothed his back saying that it wasn't my fault and how he's glad that he still had me. I looked up and everyone looks so upset I say to anyone to call the cops.

After hours of waiting and still soothing Josh the cops finally came. I had told them everything that happened, from the joke to the guy who was chasing after me. They looked sympathetic, that fucken same sympathetic look that I hate. Josh stared at me the whole time, looking so broken, as soon as the questions were done I fast walked to Josh pulling him in an embrace. He clung to me so hard that he probably thought that I was going to slip away into the night like Hanna and Beth. After the cops left they asked all of us if we would like a ride back into town so that we wouldn't have to stay here just in case the mystery guy comes back. We obliged and all went in different cars. I looked over at everyone one more time and just felt anger but mostly sadness. The whole ride Josh had his head on my shoulder and arms around my waist.

"You're staying at my place tonight. We both shouldn't be alone right now" I whisper to him, he just nods his head and tightens his grip.

Getting to the house I give the cops a quick thank you and we get inside the house. We throw off our shoes and taking his hand in mine I lead him into my room. I drag him in and he sits on the bed while I quickly change into something warm. Josh doesn't look up at all but just looks at his hands and tears are still rolling down his face. I get on my knee into his legs and put both of my hands on either side of his face and wipe away the tears. He looks at me and puts his large hand on my cheek and I lean into it, kissing his hand. He strokes my cheek and just looks into my eyes probably to make sure that I was really there. I move forward and kiss his forehead and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Y/n don't leave me please. I don't think I can take another person leaving me"

"I would never in my wildest dream leave your side. I will always be here. I love you Josh"

"And I love you Y/n"

"We'll get through this I promise"

With that we move to laying on the bed with us pressed against each other that there was so space for us to wiggle out of. We held each other all night for the reason that we didn't want to wake up and notice that the other was just an imagination. We both wanted each other to be safe and sound after loosing the most important people to us.

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